I’m looking to adapt one of two settings using the BoL rules, Thieves’ World or The Black Company. Which would you choose?
I have read all the Thieves World books, but I have not read The Black Company Series. I thought about running a BoL campaign set in Sanctuary, even started to stat some of the main characters but didn't get too far into it.
So I guess my vote would be for Thieves World.
I just started rereading the Thieves’ World books and forgot how good they were. Especially, the fact that they are written by different authors that she’d different light on the characters.
I do recommend if you get the chance to read the Black Company, fantastic series.
Last edited by Cernunnos (2/07/2020 5:34 am)
I haven't read the Black Company yet but I do intend to soon.
I have been running some Thieves World sessions on-and-off using the d20 Crimson Blades rules that Simon wrote and we have had a blast. I was specifically using the original Chaosium boxed set with a slightly updated map I adapted from the later sourcebooks. I can't begin to explain how much fun and just how liberating it is to use purely random encounters in a game that I did no prep for.
I guess that is a very long-winded way of me saying use Thieves World - but don't overthink it.
Thieves World, definitely.
Either or, both are awesome, I lean towards the Black Company myself.
I love fantasy city adventures myself, so Thieves World for me. But players being what they are they frequently have to leave a city to let the heat die down. So, you end up needing more than one city, in my experience.
Gruntfuttock wrote:
So, you end up needing more than one city, in my experience.
I just use the Cities supplement from Chaosium. It's much the same as the Thieves' World box set, but more generic. I use a random city map generator and this supplement, and Bob's your uncle, and Fanny's your aunt.