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Yesterday 4:19 pm  #11

Re: Solo RPG Campaign

Great pic! Quite a unique Lothario (great career, BTW)! He must have other attributes than a pretty face. ;)

I put in a word with the big guy.


Yesterday 8:09 pm  #12

Re: Solo RPG Campaign

Good luck!

Yes, he is a lothario more for his silver tongue than for his looks which is one of his boons. The other two that he possesses are giant strength (which comes from his Blue Giant heritage) and hard-to-kill, which is why he is so durable.  His flaws are All Thumbs, which come from his large hands, and Missing Eye (which was close to the origin flaw of Unprepared, but also serves as a distinct appearance as well.)  

One-Eyed Norf
Attributes                                      Combat Abilities
Strength                   3                   Initiative                  2
Agility                      1*                  Melee                       1
Mind                         1                   Ranged                   -1
Appeal                     1                   Defense                    2
Merchant                 0                   Lifeblood                 15
Lothario                   2                   Hero Points             5
Pirate                       2
Thief                        1*
Boons: Giant Strength, Hard-to-Kill, Silver Tongue   Flaws: Missing Eye, Greed, All Thumbs
Protection: None                                                      Weapons: Sword (d6+3), Dagger (d6L+3)
Languages: Lemurian, Giantish, Sea Tongue
*Indicates advancement points used

Looking forward to the future travels of Valda of Valgard and One-Eyed Norf!

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Yesterday 10:26 pm  #13

Re: Solo RPG Campaign

Awesome! Great write-up. He’s quite a tough badass.

In looking through my notes, I see I did another adventure with Valda in Halakh (maybe where they can meet up?). I’ll spare you the gory details, but here’s a summary of the adventure. She arrives seeking an agent of the Witch-Queen who has led her there…

1. Hooded Gazes in the Flesh Chattel: Valda, warrior princess of the Bloodwolf tribe, explores Halakh’s slave market, unaware she’s being stalked by cultists of Nemmereth. Attacked by three robed acolytes, she swiftly overpowers them in a brutal skirmish, then vanishes into the crowded streets, leaving onlookers in awe of her prowess.

2. Shumat Djin: While evading capture in Halakh’s slums, Valda encounters the disfigured hermit Shumat Djin. He warns her of impending danger and offers to help her escape, but only if she agrees to a perilous mission. Intrigued, Valda agrees, setting out to free a prisoner from the dungeons in exchange for Shumat’s assistance.

3. A Desperate Fight in the Night: Valda infiltrates the palace to rescue the prisoner but is discovered by guards. She battles fiercely, but the reinforcements are too many, and she’s ultimately subdued. As the druids of Nemmereth continue their dark procession nearby, Valda falls unconscious, her mission thwarted, for now.

4. Pain and Suffering: Awakening in a torture chamber, Valda faces a lecherous executioner. With sheer will and ferocity, she overpowers him, breaking free from her bindings and escaping. She arms herself with a torturer’s blade, now fueled by both vengeance and survival as she plans her next move against her enemies.

5. To Challenge the King: In the palace temple, Valda discovers that Maharan Jool, initially thought to be a prisoner, is actually a leader of a rival druid faction plotting against King Zomat Deshkar. As Maharan declares his intentions, Valda is drawn into a deadly clash with his robed henchmen. She fights them off and confronts the king, who, impressed by her strength, pledges to aid her quest for vengeance against Maharan, now revealed as a significant threat to his rule.

6. Precipice of Doom: Valda chases Maharan across the palace rooftops amidst a hail of arrows. She fights him in a final, deadly struggle, but he escapes into the night. Disheartened yet undeterred, Valda flees into the city’s maze, vowing to continue her pursuit.

7. Traitors and Traitors: In Shumat’s lair, Valda learns of Shumat’s betrayal and confronts both him and a wounded Maharan. She defeats Maharan in a fierce struggle, but Shumat manages to escape before revealing the information she seeks. Frustrated yet resolute, Valda sets off, determined to hunt him down.

8. The Defeat of Shumat Djin: Valda tracks Shumat through the slums, cutting down his hired thugs with relentless ferocity. With Shumat finally cornered, he reveals a clue about Alrak Gim: a minstrel cherished by the desert folk of the Beshaar, who may help Valda locate him. Leaving Shumat defeated and broken, she turns her sights on finding this mysterious minstrel, her next step toward vengeance.

9. Halakh the Intriguing: In the aftermath, Halakh is abuzz with rumors of the fierce warrior woman who brought upheaval to the city. As the people of Halakh debate her legacy—hero, rogue, or myth—Valda slips away, her next steps unknown. Her legend as the Ice Princess lives on, a chilling reminder of her relentless quest for vengeance.

I have some thoughts about a beginning. More on that later. In the meantime, can you come up with a list of all known NPC’s that have crossed One-Eyed Norf (still living)? I’ll do the same for Valda and we can use those for some fodder. You can have other things on your list than just strictly NPCs. Places, items, plots are fair game. Include any unresolved threads. Although we won’t need to play off of these, they can serve as potential elements for our “tween” story that connects our two characters.


Today 6:26 am  #14

Re: Solo RPG Campaign

Wow, what a great story!  Yes, I can gather all that information as well as possible plots that can connect them.  One-Eyed Norf has been to Parsool, the Pirate Isles, Malakut, Belmora (a township I made up), and Halakh, he was headed into the Deserts of Beshaar, but I have yet to complete that adventure.

His list of friends and enemies follows...

Allies: Madame Loviise, the brothel madam in charge of the Brothel of the Loving Embrace (a favorite spot of his, and place where he has placed some of his defeated enemies), 2 prostitutes that are at the Loving Embrace that were former foes: Boom-Boom Besa & Lustful Liridona.
Loic the bard, Rovena, Gypsy Jaac (a pirate), Sea Dog Cyr, (another pirate), Irusina (former maid to the Pirate King, Gorthian Half-Hand), Crixas the Knave and his lover, Bisara the death maiden, Bella Coza, Jandor Hookhand, Damaya, Lady Arlana Vestel (the noblewoman is pregnant with his child), Capt. Mirvala of the Jemadar Guard, Adala (a blacksmith), Avitus the Alchemist (he is deceased, but perhaps someone knew him or Valda?), the high priestess Devaki, Dey Bhadrakil, and Yazan al-Haqq. 

Enemies: Wild Bora, Regul the Raider, Sky Captain Vitan Nor, Count Skorpos, Boss Bardhyl, Kuy-Aya the Dark Mage (formerly, now Lustful Liridona) Zolat the Scimitar, the Bloody Blades thieving guild, Killer Kaarlo, Ariistuzuun the Elder and his mercenary army.

Possible plots: Lady Arlana Vestel (a very rich and influential noblewoman from Satarla) is carrying his unborn baby, while her now divorced husband, Sky Captain Vitan Nor seeks revenge on Norf. In addition, the Vestel family might wish to kill or arrest him for the shame he has caused their family. Regul the Raider and Wild Bora especially seek revenge, she has a love/hate relationship with him, and the Jemadar Guard banished him to return to Malakut to keep peace between the Bloody Blades and Ragged Knaves thieving guilds. I have thought of some acolytes from Ku-Aya the Dark Mage who would like to seek revenge for his defeating and humiliating their mistress by converting her into a brothel prostitute. Crixas and Bisara retire to a quiet life to live together, but she is a member of the Daughters of Degara. Boss Bardhyl is actively seeking him since his wife Rovena stole his gold and gave it to One-Eyed Norf as his reward upon being saved. Killer Kaarlo also seeks revenge for being stranded after a failed mutiny attempt. Norf has contacts with the pirate crews of the Loyal Dagger and the Black Princess. Then there is the unresolved matter of Ariistuzuun the Elder and his mercenary army...

A sample of some of the characters, plots, and locations thus far in the Misadventures of One-Eyed Norf!

Last edited by Gundarr_the_Great (Today 10:45 am)

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