I’ve been throwing around the idea for a Sword & Planet setting for a few months. Having read a number of the core series, John Carter, Esau Cairn, Sojan, Kane, etc., I’d like to get away from the displaced man kind of theme and I feel that without that it would just be a science fiction setting.
Thinking about it, I wondered if instead of just one man, a large group of humans are transported to an alien world. Maybe, a ship that was meant to colonize another world for some reason or another end up on a world they were not prepared for. Over the course of generations, cut off completely from Earth and failing technology are forced to adapt to their environment and the resources available.
Perhaps the Pern series by Anne McCaffery is a good starting place. I am sure there are others but I can't bring one to mind.
FYI...the introduction section to her books are mostly spoilers so just cut to chapter one.