Woodland Warriors, Sabres & Witchery, Triumphant!. etc » Crimson Blades II rules question thread » 4/25/2017 10:31 am |
When it mentions that a demon is equal to the sorcerer who summoned it, what happens to a bound demon if the sorcerer gains a level? Does the demon stay the same level it was at which it was bound or does it gain level as the sorcerer gains level?
Woodland Warriors, Sabres & Witchery, Triumphant!. etc » Crimson Blades II rules question thread » 4/25/2017 9:30 am |
When it comes to banishing demons that are not ones you summoned, can you banish those that are have been bound by another sorcerer or just ones that have been summoned and not bound?
Announce your pbp/online/in person games here » Anyone for a pbem on Ongoing Worlds? » 1/05/2016 12:09 am |
I couldn't find the game via the search tool, however, I did find it by a google search of baragon and ongoing worlds.
So, I don't know if I am at fault for not finding it via the search engine or not. I will hopefully post a character by tomorrow night and ask a few buddies if they are interested also.
Announce your pbp/online/in person games here » Anyone for a pbem on Ongoing Worlds? » 1/04/2016 2:27 pm |
I'm in. How many more are you looking for as I might know a few who may be interested.
Did you set up at ongoing worlds already?
Announce your pbp/online/in person games here » Anyone for a pbem on Ongoing Worlds? » 1/03/2016 8:11 pm |
Are you still looking for players?
General discussion » Crimson Blades Sword & Sorcery RPG » 3/09/2015 8:36 pm |
I know the term witch is generally a feminine designator, but not always so. Is your witch class solely a female one?
General discussion » Crimson Blades Sword & Sorcery RPG » 3/05/2015 10:12 pm |
Thanks for the quick answer Simon. I agree now that I am revisiting the game with the hopes of running it it is quite impressive. CB and BOL are just great bits of game design. I do have one more question. Since the HD seems to be lower in CB any suggestion in how to import other OSR people, creatures etc... to CB. Perhaps halving the HD?
General discussion » Crimson Blades Sword & Sorcery RPG » 3/05/2015 1:47 am |
It seems that in the People, Animals, and Undead section HP are done the standard way 2d+1 is roll two dice and add 1 for a possible 13 HP. But, for the PC's it seems the HD option is not equal. A PC with 2d+1 with no CON bonus would have a max 7HP. Is this correct?
Secrets of the sorcerers » Crimson Lords/Blades Summoning for BOL » 11/04/2014 12:00 am |
urbwar wrote:
What about adapting the Demon material from Legends of Steel?
Thanks for the suggestion, but I have since found out that there will be demon rules in Mythic.
General rules (Mythic) » Demon Summoning? » 10/25/2014 7:34 am |
That is great!