I'll post a couple of the new ones soon. Keep watching!
Here's the Dharko
Creature Size: Very Large
Normally Found: Mountains, Plains
Darkho are scaly flying lizards resembling drakks but are somewhat smaller and more nimble. They tend to be more colourful than their cousins, with snake-like hides of purples, blues reds and yellows. Their bat-like leathery wings can be about 30’ from tip to tip. Like drakks, if they hit their target, darkho will attempt to carry their prey to its nest to feed – especially if they have young. Unlike drakks, darkho can spit a glue-like fluid from their beaks up to about 50’ – to prevent their prey from escaping, whilst they swoop onto them to feed.
Special Attack: Spit; the darkho’s spit is gluey - it will immediately slow the movement of any creature it hits. Heroes get to make a “Demanding” strength Task Roll to avoid being stuck to the spot.
Strength 5
Agility 1
Mind -2
Combat Abilities
Attack: +2
Damage: 2D6/High
Defence: 2
Protection: D3-1 (1)
Lifeblood: 25
A cuddly little pet, The Ganuc:
Creature Size: Tiny
Normally Found: Plains
A Ganuc is a tiny, skittish plant-eater bearing both mammalian and reptilian characteristics. It can comfortably sit on the palm of your hand and in Satarla and some other cities they are bred as pets for children. There are some species that have a mildly toxic bite, so you do need to trust your supplier!
Venomous Bite: Affects only creatures up to man size (medium). A “Moderate” Task Roll is needed to save, or receive a -1 modifier to all Task Checks for half a day.
Strength -3
Agility 2
Mind -3
Combat Abilities
Attack: +1
Damage: 1
Defence: 0
Protection: 0
Lifeblood: 1
I like these Simon. Glue spit attack. . . Brilliant!
" your supplier!"
I like the Ganuc. I can see at least 2 of my regular players wanting one...