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5/12/2014 9:38 am  #11

Re: Fantasy races for use with BoL rules

I ran with The GIT!'s logic. The differences are in Boons and Flaws, stat wise they are all running out the gate the same way.

I am the one who writes ​ for old school D&D, yet BoL and Everywhen are pretty cool too.

5/12/2014 10:21 am  #12

Re: Fantasy races for use with BoL rules

I don't want to run atilt It's only my modest submittal. Fortunately high fantasy is for me a weak option. Elves aren't as attractive as lizardmen or snakemen (as lurking threat).

Bow to Satan!!!

5/12/2014 12:08 pm  #13

Re: Fantasy races for use with BoL rules

Warlord of Lemuria wrote:

I ran with The GIT!'s logic. The differences are in Boons and Flaws, stat wise they are all running out the gate the same way.

Yep, and you did a good job. A question I do have - was it your intention that the Boons and Flaws you listed for the race be chosen by a PC as per normal rules (but with the extra boons and flaws available as choices) or do they get all the Boons and Flaws immediately they chose the race?

I only ask as I'm trying to see how they balance with humans. I was kind of thinking that with a race being chosen as a career the Boons could be chosen as the character gains ranks in his race. Flaws may be assigned at the same time as the character becomes more "stereotypical" by choosing more ranks. A character with less ranks could be interpreted as less influenced by his racial background (hence having less Boons but also having less of the Flaws as well).


Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.

5/12/2014 5:51 pm  #14

Re: Fantasy races for use with BoL rules

Warlord of Lemuria wrote:

I ran with The GIT!'s logic. The differences are in Boons and Flaws, stat wise they are all running out the gate the same way.

I think that's the way to do it too.  Boons and Flaws that give the racial flavor.  If you want the Hobbit to have higher AGL, use the Boon...

My take at least..


8/13/2014 2:12 pm  #15

Re: Fantasy races for use with BoL rules

I like either race as 'career' or boons/flaws to define the archetype.
My contribution is to call them Birthrights in order to differentiate them from the usual boons, flaws and careers. Furthur you can't buy off or add Birthrights since they are in your 'blood'.
It may be a good idea to require the character to have fewer Hero Points to offset their larger number of specialities.


10/08/2014 11:11 am  #16

Re: Fantasy races for use with BoL rules

The GIT! wrote:

Warlord of Lemuria wrote:

I ran with The GIT!'s logic. The differences are in Boons and Flaws, stat wise they are all running out the gate the same way.

Yep, and you did a good job. A question I do have - was it your intention that the Boons and Flaws you listed for the race be chosen by a PC as per normal rules (but with the extra boons and flaws available as choices) or do they get all the Boons and Flaws immediately they chose the race?

I only ask as I'm trying to see how they balance with humans. I was kind of thinking that with a race being chosen as a career the Boons could be chosen as the character gains ranks in his race. Flaws may be assigned at the same time as the character becomes more "stereotypical" by choosing more ranks. A character with less ranks could be interpreted as less influenced by his racial background (hence having less Boons but also having less of the Flaws as well).


I use the racial backgrounds the same as on page 25 with Boons and Flaws and limit non-humans to one starting Career (humans get two for longevity of a campaign). Not every elf will be a spellcaster or good with a bow, not every goblin will be scary looking, etc.

I am the one who writes ​ for old school D&D, yet BoL and Everywhen are pretty cool too.
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