I seem to recall saying that I wanted to run more sword and sorcery games this year, but somehow that hasn't happened. It's mostly been pulp 1930s games and Victorian Hammer Horror, with a minimal amount of Mesoamerican S&S. I'm hoping for a better haul of S&S games next year, but for some reason this year inspiration for sword and sorcery rarely struck me.
Have you ever wanted to run games in a particular genre and found yourself unable to get anything to the table?
Gruntfuttock wrote:
I seem to recall saying that I wanted to run more sword and sorcery games this year, but somehow that hasn't happened. It's mostly been pulp 1930s games and Victorian Hammer Horror, with a minimal amount of Mesoamerican S&S. I'm hoping for a better haul of S&S games next year, but for some reason this year inspiration for sword and sorcery rarely struck me.
Have you ever wanted to run games in a particular genre and found yourself unable to get anything to the table?
I promised my group a superhero game months and months ago. I just haven't been able to put anything together. I generally need some sort of theme or throughline to put a campaign together (even though supers is easy to do episodically). For some reason, this time around it hasn't sparked. Still trying to get the bonfire lit so we can sit around it to tell stories.
Perhaps give Watchdogs of Killcade a try?
BTW Don't get me wrong - I've loved all the games I've run this year - but I did want to get S&S in the mix more than I managed. Irritating!
Gruntfuttock wrote:
Perhaps give Watchdogs of Killcade a try?
BTW Don't get me wrong - I've loved all the games I've run this year - but I did want to get S&S in the mix more than I managed. Irritating!
I bought Watchdogs and really love it. My personal supers vibe tends more to the 4-Color mode, though. Which is, I think, what the table is expecting.
Somewhere down the line, though!
Gruntfuttock wrote:
Have you ever wanted to run games in a particular genre and found yourself unable to get anything to the table?
All the time LOL
Seriously, I've been running the same musketeers campaign using the All For One game system since 2012 My game group keeps coming back for more and we've had a blast playing the game, but I'd love to move to something else. I just need the existing storyline to come to a natural conclusion before moving to something else.
Look on the bright side... some of us are having trouble getting anything not-D&D/OGL/OSR to the table. It's always good to be thankful for what you have on Thanksgiving (or the day after as I'm posting this one day late, lol!).
Last edited by Pit Fighter (11/29/2024 5:19 am)
That's a fair point. I am lucky in so much as all my game groups include playing different game systems, including D&D/OSR.