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8/25/2024 4:48 pm  #51

Re: Back to Barbarians of Lemuria - some different settings/campaigns

Gruntfuttock wrote:

Totally agree with Narmer, your games seem to really have that Hyborian vibe - OUTSTANDING indeed!!!

It's so inspiring that after my 17th Century swashbuckler run is finished I'm going back to S&S, although not Hyboria this time. I've been working on a return to one of our best loved settings, Heroes of Hellas, but with a more Howardian focus rather than the Ray Harrryhausen tropes of the last time I ran it. The Phoenician city of Tyre will be at the centre of the setting.

That's interesting you bring up Heroes of Hellas.  I've been thinking a lot about a game set in a newly founded Greek colony in the early 8th century BC.  I was pondering using Heroes of Hellas as the rules set.  It's iron age but still semi-mythical.  I need to pull out the rules and give them a read again.

Where's my axe?

8/26/2024 1:52 am  #52

Re: Back to Barbarians of Lemuria - some different settings/campaigns

I am a big fan of Heroes of Hellas. Probably my favourite of the BoL spinoffs.


8/26/2024 11:57 am  #53

Re: Back to Barbarians of Lemuria - some different settings/campaigns

Simon's right, HoH is a great suppliment. I always wished that it had been upgraded to Mythic BoL, but it's simple enough to convert it yourself.

My new Tyre project will use Mythic BoL+HoH+S&S Codex for an engine. It will take place in a non-historical time, based on bits of real history, at the transition from the late-Bronze Age to the Iron Age. Tyre should really (in real history) be part of the Assyrian Empire, but I'll leave it as a protectorate of Egypt as it was in the Bronze Age, as I wouldn't wish the Assyrians on anyone!

My real name is Steve Hall

9/01/2024 9:45 am  #54

Re: Back to Barbarians of Lemuria - some different settings/campaigns

More on my forthcoming Tyre game (I posted this on MeWe earlier.)
It will take place in a non-historical time, based on bits of real history, at the transition from the late-Bronze Age to the Iron Age. Tyre should really (in real history) be part of the Assyrian Empire, but I'll leave it as a protectorate of Egypt as it was in the Bronze Age, as I wouldn't wish the Assyrians on anyone!
When I last ran Heroes of Hellas in 2019 I had the wider-world focus being the toppling of King Midas of Crete by a coalition of Greek states led by King Agamemnon of Mycenae. I deliberately mixed up the chronology of the myths – such as they are - to make it a mash-up like those old 1960s sword and sandal films, so the game features quite a few well know personalities.
The PCs focus had been trying to raise enough money to build some ships to sail to Britain to buy tin (essential for the making of bronze) and thereby break the Phoenician monopoly on the tin trade. As part of this scheme one game saw them sail to Tyre to find out what sailing beyond the Pillars of Hercules was like and when to turn right for Cornwall. A successful theft of a detailed set of sailing instructions involved a merchant and one guard dying, while others were lulled to sleep by magic, and a set of guard leopards were accidently set free to roam the suburbs. It was a lot of fun and Tyre seemed like a good place for city-based adventures.
So, I’m advancing the timeline some years and having new characters. The Mycenaean Greeks have now fully taken over Crete and destroyed Minoan culture in the process. Some Minoans fought against this and lost. Some of these resistance fighters refused to stay on Crete and have fled to other places to start a new life – but it is hard when you start with nothing but the clothes on your back and the sword at your side. Some of these refugees have settled in Tyre.
Enter the characters.

My real name is Steve Hall

9/01/2024 2:03 pm  #55

Re: Back to Barbarians of Lemuria - some different settings/campaigns

This sounds great.

Where's my axe?

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