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6/02/2024 10:59 am  #1

I Remember Lemuria

Tonight, I start a brand spanking new Barbarians of Lemuria campaign. Several months ago, my Fate/Greyhawk campaign was winding down, and I put together a poll for my players with choices for our next campaign. I included BoL as an afterthought alongside several more fleshed-out ideas, because I knew it'd be easy to run and I was curious about the system. Damned if every one of my players didn't include BoL in their top choices. The only one even close to unanimous.
I'm pleased with the crew my players have come up with:
Nymox the Red: A red-haired, agile thief with a number of complications in his past. Lots of good work there. Played by a guy I introduced to this board, and who's been cajoling me to be more active here. Happy now, Paul?
Cownann the Bovarian: A Beast-Man from the Empty Lands. He wasn't born a beast-man, though - his family was bewitched and turned into livestock by an evil witch. His mother, now a cow, fed him her milk to make him strong enough to defeat the witch. It sounds weird, but he got the idea from researching folklore indexes. He's right, it's got that weird folktale feel. So I'm excited, because the little bit I've seen about beast-men indicates that they're legendary-ish creatures who may be involved in the next apocalypse. That'll turn heads.
Enhur is an elite guard from Halakh. We've worked out a background wherein Halakh used to be ruled by an avatar of the Sun God Zalkyr called the al-Pharosh. Several years ago, the last al-Pharosh passed on, but no new avatar has been discovered, leaving the city leaderless. The nobles of Halakh quickly discovered that, without a divine avatar overseeing the city, they were free to be as corrupt as they please. Enhur finds that the current rulers of his city have turned against those loyal to the al-Pharosh, and he has no choice but to leave Halakh and try to seek out the new al-Pharosh.
Laurits is a poet, a courtier, and a trickster from Satarla. He'd be at home in an episode of The Jinx, but he'd be way overdressed.
Natasha is an assassin; in fact, she's as close as we could get to a S&S adaptation of The Bride from Kill Bill, complete with a viper-themed assassination squad both hunting and hunted by her, due to them having attacked her and left her for dead.
And then, because there's always one, there's Kai/Kaiya/Kistala. The character idea that really excites the player, and seems to have potential, but is kind of a pain in the ass to administer. Her persona split into three aspects that operate as individuals, with mechanics for switching yet to be determined. (She can't make it tonight, so I'm not panicking, yet.) She's a sorcerer, and her persona split was the result of a high-magnitude ritual to increase her sorcerous power. The player wants to explore the concept of plural identity with a character, and I'm sympathetic, because I used a debauched, bisexual Thelemic magician character to explore similar issues twenty-five years ago or so. 

So, that's the group. They've all come up with reasons why their characters would be stuck in a Halakhan jail cell, and that's where we'll be starting out tonight!


6/02/2024 9:27 pm  #2

Re: I Remember Lemuria

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

-- Paul

6/03/2024 2:10 am  #3

Re: I Remember Lemuria

Ahh...I remember Lemuria...

I remember the man from Halakh who was a circus performer and dancer, and became an assassin after his wife and and fellow circus performers were slaughtered by a Satarlan noble. A long period of vengence ensued as he learned his new trade on the job. Then he returned to Halakh and became a freelance killer, which the Assassins Guild of Halakh didn't like, so they put a price on his head.

The man teamed up with the woman, a guardswoman from Malakut who had been framed for the murder of her Queen. A couple of years of intrigue, narrow escapes and rescues saw the guardwoman now general of an army, invading Malakut in the name of the Queen's true heir - and killing the usurper in a duel held between the two armies before the climactic battle of the civil war.

Victorious, the man and the woman returned to Halakh in pursuit of the sorceror who had aided the usurper of Malakut. They uncovered plots and learnt much ("Have you seen the Yellow Sign?") before making an alliance with the Grey Druids - ("My enemy's enemy is my friend."). The General of Malakut slaughtered the council of the Assassins Guild while the Assassin sent the sorceror to whichever Hell was prepared to take him.

Yes...I remember Lemuria...

[Sounds like a great game StMichael - please tell us how it goes!] 

Last edited by Gruntfuttock (6/03/2024 2:12 am)

My real name is Steve Hall

6/03/2024 7:18 am  #4

Re: I Remember Lemuria

Wow, that sounds like quite the epic!

-- Paul

6/03/2024 2:03 pm  #5

Re: I Remember Lemuria

As a fan of the stranger ends of UFO literature, I had to name my first BoL campaign "I Remember Lemuria." I may even throw some Deros in there somewhere, eventually...

Anyway, we had our first session last night went... alright I suppose. There were some glitches - I had trouble keeping the Priorities straight, and had a hard time remembering to check in with some characters that were only peripherally involved in the fight. There was what I expect is the usual confusion about damage, recovery, and healing, which wasn't helped by the fact that we're just off of several years of exclusively Fate, which is much more gentle on a PC's health. So, the increased threat level kinda put a fright in folks. But overall, I think it went well.


     Thread Starter

6/03/2024 4:01 pm  #6

Re: I Remember Lemuria

StMichael wrote:

As a fan of the stranger ends of UFO literature, I had to name my first BoL campaign "I Remember Lemuria." I may even throw some Deros in there somewhere, eventually...

Anyway, we had our first session last night went... alright I suppose. There were some glitches - I had trouble keeping the Priorities straight, and had a hard time remembering to check in with some characters that were only peripherally involved in the fight. There was what I expect is the usual confusion about damage, recovery, and healing, which wasn't helped by the fact that we're just off of several years of exclusively Fate, which is much more gentle on a PC's health. So, the increased threat level kinda put a fright in folks. But overall, I think it went well.

It did go well. I think, with Priority, it may just come down to "everyone roll, whether you may or may not be involved." Better to line everyone up ahead of time, rather than try to slot them in when needed. (Obviously, this is just me spitballing. Whatever you decide to do is a-okay in my book.)

The injuries also threw people off, I think, because some characters were starting injured and we're not used to that. Plus, new system always means a learning curve for just about everything!

-- Paul

6/04/2024 6:18 am  #7

Re: I Remember Lemuria

The good thing about injuries in BoL is that they don't create a death spiral as some other games do. Also, with Hero Points, a character has good options including recovering lifeblood with Shake Off Wounds.

Regarding the Priority Roll, I'm still not a fan because it feels a little clunky for the players. I like the idea of characters in a party being able to coordinate their actions, but I don't like separating out Legendary, Mighty and normal successes. As far as I'm concerned, all those who succeed can coordinate their actions together before the Villain gets to act - after all, those with Legendary and Mighty successes can just go on hold until those with normal successes can act, so why even bother to separate them?

Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.

6/04/2024 12:52 pm  #8

Re: I Remember Lemuria

The GIT! wrote:

The good thing about injuries in BoL is that they don't create a death spiral as some other games do. Also, with Hero Points, a character has good options including recovering lifeblood with Shake Off Wounds.

Regarding the Priority Roll, I'm still not a fan because it feels a little clunky for the players. I like the idea of characters in a party being able to coordinate their actions, but I don't like separating out Legendary, Mighty and normal successes. As far as I'm concerned, all those who succeed can coordinate their actions together before the Villain gets to act - after all, those with Legendary and Mighty successes can just go on hold until those with normal successes can act, so why even bother to separate them?

Whereas St. M is more worried that the mean, nasty PCs will do all their dastardly damage before the poor Villains get a chance to act!

Last edited by CaptAdventure (6/04/2024 12:54 pm)

-- Paul

6/04/2024 1:13 pm  #9

Re: I Remember Lemuria

It just seems a little weird that three different groups of Heroes go one after another before anyone on the other side gets a go - and with six PCs and somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty Hero Points floating around, it seems like its gonna be pretty common that someone has a Legendary or Mighty Success on Priority. So, I think that Legendary - Mighty - Villain - Success etc. will work a little better, and make Mighty+ Successes on Priority a bit more meaningful. Otherwise, given that y'all seem able to kick my NPCs' asses (at least in every other system) pretty freely despite what I do, I'm afraid combat will be over before the bad guys even have a chance.

If I'm wrong, it should become obvious pretty quickly, and we can change back.

     Thread Starter

6/04/2024 7:25 pm  #10

Re: I Remember Lemuria

StMichael wrote:

It just seems a little weird that three different groups of Heroes go one after another before anyone on the other side gets a go - and with six PCs and somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty Hero Points floating around, it seems like its gonna be pretty common that someone has a Legendary or Mighty Success on Priority. So, I think that Legendary - Mighty - Villain - Success etc. will work a little better, and make Mighty+ Successes on Priority a bit more meaningful. Otherwise, given that y'all seem able to kick my NPCs' asses (at least in every other system) pretty freely despite what I do, I'm afraid combat will be over before the bad guys even have a chance.

If I'm wrong, it should become obvious pretty quickly, and we can change back.

But I like combat to be over before the bad guys even get a chance!

-- Paul

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