I have read several threads in other forums suggesting that the BoL engine would be amazing for a star Wars game. After yesterday's session (brief AP when I have time to write it down) I tend to agree However, I have not seen much in the way of complete setting writeups, only sketches. Do you know of any worked products for star wars using BoL? Thanks
I started to blog called BoL Star Wars a couple of years ago before real life got in the way. I put down some of my ideas and linked to some threads in the forums about it. For what it's worth you can find it here.
I seem to remember reading a conversion over at a while ago. BoL seems like it would be a good fit for Star Wars. I've been toying with using the D*O*W rules to run a Clone Troopers limited series for a while now.
So simple and yet it looks so playable....
I'm going to run SW:EotE next month, but this might get used too..especially with al the lego star wars stuff I have....