Hey Lemurians,
I got a notice today that, as the title says, Honor + Intrigue is in the latest Bundle of Holding as a bonus game.
If you are not familiar with the whole Bundle of Holding thing, it's a monthly-or-so bundle of independent games bundled together by their creators. You can elect to pay the minimum and get usually 3 or 4 pdfs of games, or pay over the minimum to "level up" and get some bonus games. Usually you get a between 3 and 6 bonus pdfs. So in total, you are usually looking at a minimum of 6 or so games. It's not a bad deal.
Now, I've not heard of the other games in the bundle, but BoH usually only includes games of quality, so it's great to see a member of the BoL-family included, even if only as a bonus game.
Thought y'all might enjoy the link.
I've picked up a few of these now. This particular deal has a few titles I've been interested in for a while. Honor + Intrigue of course, Jaws of the Six Serpents, and Hellas.
Just over 2 hours to go before this deal is over btw.
Dang I missed this one.