Are you sure you were applying the rules well? My recalling is that it was very difficult to lose members despite the reputation of the game....
PLAYING: Middle Earth using a homebrew system. Group of dunedain (+ 1 cleptomaniac elf) running around
PLANNING: BoL, dither in Lemuria with a couple of barbarians on a raid (unsure if moutain barbarians or deser ostrich riders) or testing the system in Middle Earth
Xavi wrote:
Are you sure you were applying the rules well? My recalling is that it was very difficult to lose members despite the reputation of the game....
Yes, I'm sure. Anyway, nobody was killed...just maimed. They've now moved onto the Rainbow Mounds (the second scenario in the Apple Lane book). They've survived thus far even with half the party having missing limbs...
Wow then! Quite some die rolling there, then! Bloody encounters!
Currently running a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd ed game vias Roll20
Currently playing a BoL game via Google Hangouts.
Currently planning a BoL game. Not sure if it'll be Lemuria or Hyboria or a home brew, but it'll be Swords & Sorcery.
Current running 4e D&D for my adult group and BX D&D for my kids (with heavy houserules inspired by D&D Next).
Playing nothing. I don't get a chance to play much.
Planning, not sure. I plan to play D&D Next when it is released this summer. I would also like to fit in a Gamma World game. I was planning to do a BoL when Mythic came out but I guess to can just run it off the play test document in the meantime.
Our group's Leagues of Adventure game has reached a natural break, so last week I ran a one-shot Two Fisted Tales game of 1930s League of Nations investigators (an old favourite). Now preping a BoL Viking game - bet BoL will be really good fit for this!
I play currently - 1. Adventurers (in the Conan's Hyboria) - via google hangout and with little help of a platform roll d20 (dice etc.)
2. Savage Worlds Beasts and Barbarians
I'm constantly planning BoL, but my players... hmmm there is a little disagreement - they say it's to many setting at a time - bullsh..., isn't it?
Mruf wrote:
I'm constantly planning BoL, but my players... hmmm there is a little disagreement - they say it's to many setting at a time - bullsh..., isn't it?
Your players "too many settings" concern could be overcome by running a BoL game set in Hyboria... All you'd have to do is map boons/flaws to the Hyborian races and drop the Sky-Pilot Career, then you're good to go. "Crimson Shoals" is a Hyborian adventure for BoL by G-Man, you can grab it here.
Thx 4 an adventure, it's always worthy good
I try to run BoL in Lemuria, but first off need to create a few scenarios.
Playing: DD Next Encounters (it's the weekly thing that everyone can get to at the FLGS) and Savage Worlds: Shaintar - Justice and Life about once a month. And BPRD using the Cortex rules about every 2 months (Buffalo has a Gamers Meetup that does rotating games)
Planning: BoL, HoH, and Star Wars: Edge of the Empire.
Running: Pathfinder (online), Pathfinder (different campaign whenever everyone is in town)