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Hey Rascal thanks very much for that! I'm glad you had fun with Soul Stones and yours is the first actual report I've had of anybody actually playing one of my adventures so that means a lot to me. Thank you!
Finn wrote:
Thanks for the kind words all - and thanks for the shout out on your blog Narmer! I've been busy lately but more BoL stuff should be surfacing soon.
I'll be looking forward to it.
Finn wrote:
Hey Rascal thanks very much for that! I'm glad you had fun with Soul Stones and yours is the first actual report I've had of anybody actually playing one of my adventures so that means a lot to me. Thank you!
honestly I really enjoyed all your work. Long night at BlackThorn and Aru Kamis are really very good. I ask for more :-)
I second Rascal's proposal!
Personally I'd like to know more about your land of Arakhem's other cities, Aru_tekel and Aru-Kala; or a scenario set in the already revealed Aru-Kamis. My wife has yet to run a Sword and Sorcery game (she's fine with Urban Fantasy) and I think Arakhem might be a location she could work with.
However, I'd be happy to see any BoL scenario you've developed - you do good stuff!
Last edited by Gruntfuttock (4/13/2018 8:55 am)
Thank you! I'll see what I can come up with. I've just posted a new adventure on my blog (alas for ICRPG rather than BOL) but it is of the same tone and very Swords & Sorcery so you may be able to refit the stats and use that - but I'm certainly working on other BOL stuff. I have an adventure among the lowlives of Aru-Kamis called "Bride of the Rat King" that may be ready shortly.
Look forward to seeing the BoL scenario - anything that shows us more about Aru-Kamis is always of interest. And we all love to see quality scenarios for any system - which is what you create.
You're far too kind - I updated my blog look and address - blog.finncullen.co.uk - Hope you enjoy.
Finn, I've just read your ICRPG scenario 'Star Flung Hammer' - great stuff, but it seems rather tough (but I have no experience of ICRPG, so what do I know). What was your players' experience when you ran it? Did any survive?
It seems like it would be easily portable to BoL, with just a a bit of work. It's worth a look people - very atmospheric!
It is a tough adventure and would certainly need to be moderated for the characters and the rule setting - in particular I'd make the mental attacks of the Star Beast less frequent. ICRPG has more options for in-combat recovery and loot that offers protection. We didn't have a party wipe but that final battle with the enslaved Jotuns and the thing in the rock was pretty touch and go - as it should be.
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