Has an errata list (assuming there is any) been compiled for Mythic?
Last edited by Scall (12/05/2015 5:17 am)
Hmmm... I'm guessing the War cry Boon needs errata, when listed under characters it includes a nation but the description seems to say nothing about this. Maybe your co-nationals are immune to your war cry?
The Lightning reflexes Boon is missing, my guess is it gives a Bonus dice to Initiative rolls.
For the War Cry boon, I took the region description as a roleplaying element rather than using it to affect combat. For example, if the Heroes can see and hear a distant battle but are unable to make out who is fighting, they may be able to identify the Valgard Warriors by the sound of their war cry. But only if one of the Heroes is familiar with it.
Last edited by Crom (4/03/2016 2:16 pm)