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2/25/2014 2:45 pm  #11

Re: Heroes of Hellas

Gruntfuttock wrote:

By the way devilmonkey - loved your illustrations for Heroes.


Where's my axe?

2/25/2014 11:20 pm  #12

Re: Heroes of Hellas

Gruntfuttock wrote:

By the way devilmonkey - loved your illustrations for Heroes.

Thanks, man!

concept design, illustration and sequentials

2/26/2014 12:49 am  #13

Re: Heroes of Hellas

yes, they were fantastic. I really liked the Thracian you did in one of the adventures in the back of the book


2/26/2014 12:51 am  #14

Re: Heroes of Hellas

Gruntfuttock wrote:

By the way devilmonkey - loved your illustrations for Heroes.

Very kind of you to say. Thanks, dude!

concept design, illustration and sequentials

3/20/2014 9:42 am  #15

Re: Heroes of Hellas

Hey Guys,
Glad to see there is still interest in H of H!  
Yes Peters art awesome!
I have been working on expanding the world a bit.

I have been playtesting Celtic characters. They bring in a whole new set of Gods, Monsters and magic. Been playing with the idea of Woad magic. A Hero can get painted with or tattooed with Woad to gain a Boon or some sort of advantage. who needs armor?  


4/07/2014 11:04 am  #16

Re: Heroes of Hellas

I finally picked up the PDF + Print copy of Heroes of Hellas.  The print hasn't arrived, but the PDF looks great -- you guys did a fantastic job!  I don't know when I'll be able to run HoH proper, but I'll definitely be incorporating some of the new rules into my Lemuria game.  Who knows, maybe the upcoming Hercules movie will get the Bookstore Boys in the mood for some adventures in mythic Greece...

My only nitpick with the PDF version is that it doesn't play nicely with my tablet -- it takes forever to load.  Would a PDF version that doesn't have the background layer load faster? 


4/07/2014 11:38 am  #17

Re: Heroes of Hellas

I've tried Greek climate playing once GURPS Greece, but it was very gritty, down-to-earth setting. I had to learn this and that deeper about ancient history. Heard that Heroes of Hellas is the exact opposite. Thuth or not?

Bow to Satan!!!

4/07/2014 12:51 pm  #18

Re: Heroes of Hellas

Mruf -- The impression I get is that Heroes of Hellas is the heroic fantasy RPG you want to play after a weekend of watching Harryhausen's Jason & the Argonauts and Sinbad movies, Clash of the Titans (old and new), 300, 1950s-60s peplum, etc.  It's Sword and Sorcery (and Sandals!) through and through, you can dial the grittiness up or down as you see fit.


4/07/2014 10:05 pm  #19

Re: Heroes of Hellas

Yhm. Perhaps I return to rich, tasty and warm Greece, but not on GURPS. Counting defence is irrational. CotT on BoL sounds better. First off I have to play first BoL scenario at the weekend Unfortunately via google hangout...

Bow to Satan!!!

4/09/2014 2:49 pm  #20

Re: Heroes of Hellas

gnombient, I couldn't have said it better
Yes I would say it is the the opposite to GURPS. Much respect to GURPS for putting together such comprehensive books.
H of H just isn't that sort of game. The idea was to create a setting based in myth not in real Greek history. that being said, you don't need to know much about Greek Myth or the history. The game mechanics create the Greek epic Mythological storyline.


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