The BoL engine is very flexible - I love it. I think there is a great niche for Everywhen if it is done right: a generic system that can handle multiple genres and play styles that is rules light. An alternative to the crunchyness of GURPS or Hero, it's less wonky and gimmicky than SW (and simpler). The closest comparison I think is BRP even though they are very different games (BRP tends towards simulation where BoL tends towards abstraction). In fact, I think the BRP gold book is a great model for what I would like to see out of Everywhen: a solid core and tons options to make it your own. I would love to see Everywhen show off all that potential flexibility. It could be a simple flexible system that could handle just about anything - it could be.
madprofessor wrote:
In fact, I think the BRP gold book is a great model for what I would like to see out of Everywhen: a solid core and tons options to make it your own.
This is something I (kind of) agree with. I'm not a great fan of the direction BRP took in it's more recent incarnations (I personally prefer Renaissance by Cakebread & Walton) but I definitely agree with the BRP gold book as a model for BoL Everywhen - solid core and lots of options.
Thanks for all the feedback.
madprofessor wrote:
For Everywhen, what I would like to see is options. Lots of them. Switches and dials please.
This is exactly my vision of BoL:E
Last edited by Venomous Filigree (2/26/2015 12:00 pm)
Venomous Filigree wrote:
Thanks for all the feedback.
madprofessor wrote:
For Everywhen, what I would like to see is options. Lots of them. Switches and dials please.
This is exactly my vision of BoL:E
Can't wait.
As you come across these options, I hope you post them on these forums and throw them out to the crowd as you have done with this rule on degrees of success. $.02 can sometimes add up.
Venomous Filigree wrote:
Thanks for all the feedback.
madprofessor wrote:
For Everywhen, what I would like to see is options. Lots of them. Switches and dials please.
This is exactly my vision of BoL:E
Exciting times for BoL - excellent news
jasales wrote:
Success with Complications
When a roll fails by 1 any player may spend a Hero Point to turn the failure into a Success with Complications. Sometimes this is a better option than spending a Hero Point for a reroll.
I like it -- simple, elegant, and well in keeping with the spirit of the game.
I've been thinking lately about using the OD&D Reaction Table (Men & Magic, p.12) as an inspiration for "degrees of success," at least in social situations:
In Men & Magic, p.12, Gygax & Arneson wrote:
2: Attempts to attack
3-5: Hostile reaction
6-8: Uncertain
9-11: Accepts offer
12: Enthusiast, Loyalty +3
An "Uncertain" reaction leaves the door open to additional reward offers, but scores under 6 do not.