Fjw70 wrote:
Now there is a new Conan RPG coming. Might be a good BoL sourcebook.
Yep. From what I can gather Modiphius are planning to release the core book in the Autumn and run a kickstarter in the summer for supplements etc.
Damn! - 16,038 backers & $3,327,757!!!
The Conan boardgame is, I believe, officially the most successful boardgame on Kickstarter.
I couldn't commit to everything but I still managed topledge for a fair amount. The big update is that the new Conan RPG that Modiphius are planning to publish this year is going to be tied in with the boardgame!
Last edited by The GIT! (2/11/2015 12:00 pm)
Yeah, it was a hell of a ride.
I was watching the final 2 hours of the KS in real time like it was a darn Stanley Cup game
I was fortunate that the KS ended just as we were getting our anual bonus at work, so I was able to go all in. Otherwise there's no way I could have done so.
I'm looking forward to the RPG KS, but I'll confess that I have no idea what the 2D20 mechanics are like.
I'll have to see if I can track down some reviews.
The "2d20 mechanics" seems a bit of a tease. I really have no idea what it means. It sounds like a d+d 5th edition-ism though that's just an impression. Anybody have any idea what it means?
Regardless, the RPG is very exciting news.
nerosfiddle wrote:
I was watching the final 2 hours of the KS in real time like it was a darn Stanley Cup game
Really funny - that's exactly what I was doing!
madprofessor wrote:
The "2d20 mechanics" seems a bit of a tease. I really have no idea what it means. It sounds like a d+d 5th edition-ism though that's just an impression. Anybody have any idea what it means?
Regardless, the RPG is very exciting news.
OK - so I don't know much about the system even though I have got the beta; I'll be reading it carefully over the weekend. I believe the beta is still available at RPGNow for free ( ) but it is getting mixed reviews ( ). It kind of seems like either love or you hate it
Thanks, Git, for the link. I checked out the beta 2d20 mutant chronicle rules. I rarely play sci-fi so I was unaware of this system (and I thought I knew them all). The basic mechanics look OK except I don't like the mechanics that put the GM in an advisarial role vs the players. Just my opinion, but that works better for boardgames then for RPGs. However, there is no telling if such a mechanic will survive in Conan. I've been waiting for a new Conan RPG for a long time, and this would not have been my system of first choice. However, its still exciting news and I am sure to buy in even if its only for artwork and other insperational material.
From what I've been reading on and the game mechanic is going to be 'fine tuned' to make it more focused on the style of sword and sorcery.
At this time they have not given specific as to what these changes will be. But given the people they have working on this, I have high hopes that this will be a great addition to my collection of S&S based games.
Kathulos wrote:
given the people they have working on this, I have high hopes that this will be a great addition to my collection of S&S based games.
I agree with you about the people. I am especially glad to see Jeffrey Shanks overseeing the project as few people know Howard and Conan like he does. There is also some top-notch artists which will undoubtedly create a lovely book. However, I think getting the game mechanics to live up to these standards and capture the genre well might be a tall order. I am anxious to find out.
For the benfit of those who don't know anything about the 2d20 system...
Each character is defined by eight attributes. To perform a basic skill test, a player rolls 2d20 and tries to roll equal to or lower than the tested skill’s attribute on one or both dice.
When making a skill test using a skill with which a player has ranks of expertise training, expertise ranks are added to the related attribute to indicate the target number at which a player will achieve a success.
Skill training can also improve one’s Focus with a particular skill. Focus indicates a range within which a player generates additional successes when using the related skill. If a player rolls equal to or less than the skill’s Focus rating on a d20, the skill test generates an additional success. Since basic skill tests have the player rolling 2d20, it is possible for multiple dice to roll equal to or less than a skill’s Focus rating, which would then trigger one additional success for each die that falls within the skill’s Focus rating.
When rolling multiple d20s for a skill test, it is possible to have both very good and very bad results occurring during the same test. A character could roll one success on one die, and a natural 20 on the second die. In this way, a character can pass a skill test with complications. Each natural 20 is still resolved, regardless of how many successes are generated, even if the skill test was passed.
That's all I know at the moment. It seems that the potential complications from rolling a success and failure in the same roll is a bit like an And/But game mechanic. I think 2d20 has potential and I'm interested to see how the system will be tweaked for Conan.