So, given that Mythic uses light, medium and heavy damage, how do you think this best fits with firearms? Does this relate to small, medium and large calibre ammunition?
Strength shouldn't play a part, so what should possible modifiers represent?
Does the multipliers given to large creatures equate to heavy weapons?
This question will be answered in BoL: Everywhen
Last edited by Simon W (8/20/2014 8:18 am)
But I want it 'now'!
Simon W wrote:
This question will be answered in BoL: Everywhen
OK - so the big takeway from this is that BoL Everywhen will happen in 2015? I've been on tenterhooks about this considering how close to 500 backers the kickstarter achieved.
The GIT! wrote:
Simon W wrote:
This question will be answered in BoL: Everywhen
OK - so the big takeway from this is that BoL Everywhen will happen in 2015? I've been on tenterhooks about this considering how close to 500 backers the kickstarter achieved.
Maybe late 2015, more likely 2016
Anyway, in the meantime the fans can discuss!
Whilst we shouldn't get bogged down in ballistics discussions, it would be good to have the damages approximate 'real world' effects.
So, starting with small calibre firearms, what's the minimum harm that they might done to a person? If it was equated to 2d6(low dice) I guess even the 'weakest' firearm is going to be + something?
I've been using firearms from Dicey Tales. They've been working out well for me.
However they use the Legendary damage system, so I was thinking it would be good to upgrade to Mythic damages.
Sorry, I ignored the fact that you wanted to follow Mythic's damages. I'll go away now.