Besides being nicely designed game systems, one thing we've been discussing around here is at our current ages (40-50) with wives, kids, jobs, etc. there just isn't much time to actually play games. We try to play twice a month, but sometimes it's one time and sometimes less than one.
(Ha! Pausing to read handmade Batman/Wolverine comic my daughter drew for me)
Where was I? Oh yeah, so given the lack of playing time we're starting to gravitate to "low prep/low maintenance" games. And BoL and CB seem to fit that requirement nicely.
There are RPG's we love to read but there are also RPG's we love to play (sometimes they are the same but not always). These "simpler" games are the ones we seem to gravitate to playing this year more than ever. We only have about a 2-3 hour block of time so can't afford to get bogged down in 400 pages of rules.
Granted, sometimes these games also seem to "need more" (like random tables for whatever ....we love random tables for some reason), but again given our current situations where we don't know when we're going to play til the last minute, they are perfect for just jumping in and playing and having fun.
I'm sure I'm "preaching to the choir" here...but just wanted to chime in and thank you for providing the systems for us.
PS- Now where are my random tables?
I'd have replied sooner and written more here, but I'm a 40-50 something father of two and I don't have that much time to post ...
34yo here, with wife and kid. Same principle applies.
Same deal here. 51 years old w/full time teaching gig and an understanding and patient wife. No kids, but it's still really hard to find the time with my friends -- one of whom was part of our very first gaming group back when we were HS juniors in 1979 -- and all of my friends have kids and less than understanding spouses. I have played semi-regularly with a group of middle- and high-school students of mine, but I really crave playing with old codgers my own age (and therefore not have to pre-screen everything I might say), and have no immediate plans to play with students at all this school year.
BoL has been perfect for my limited time, as has Savage Worlds. This summer I played some heavily house-ruled ADnD (at my friends' insistence), but really wanted to get back to the rules lite jam I currently enjoy. I've been spending a lot of time and effort working on my own version of Microlite20 -- which I've called D(M)20 -- that I'm always trying to get some play on for that Olde School DnD vibe but with a rules ultra-lite framework.
I find anytime I play on older game, say ADnD, I end up house ruling it into a smooshed up version of DnD, BoL, and SW.