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10/14/2014 12:30 pm  #141

Re: Barbarians of the Void

Very interesting. Well for me Alien Isolation is to blame, I just love the way the ships and station look in that game and it is so close to the alien movie.

I also like the Idea of a humans only SciFi. Everything a bit simpler, FTL Travel in suspension/cryosleep etc. No lasers or blasters, just good old fashioned projectiles. Add in a dose of Blade Runner, stir to serve ;-) Not sure how I will handle space battles yet though. And its just an idea at the moment.

Last edited by Chaosmeister (10/14/2014 12:49 pm)

Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at!

10/16/2014 2:54 am  #142

Re: Barbarians of the Void

Had another read through and there is a lot I like. Well thought out and well written to boot.
Some stuff I have been thinking about:

Will add the carrers Scientist/Genius  Dilettante/Noble Drifter/Beggar Hunter/Scout and need to think up some Boons / Flaws that would be fitting for these careers as well. 

Propably will create some Boon/Flaw Background packages. Like "Spacer" "Heavy G Worlder" "Toxic Atmosphere Worlder" etc. as generic background packages.

 Need more Cyberware ;-) Since characters do not really handle money in any practical sense cyberwear as gear would not make much sense as in other games would it? The player would just need to do some lucky rolls to get all cybered up if it was gear only, there would be no progression. I usually prefer Cyberware as gear and not as boon, that is why I am asking primarily, you all have propbaly more experience with BoL then I do :-)

I thank you for your examples for the PSI abillities, magic is the hardest part to adjudicate in BoL for me.
After some thinking I would structure it differently though. PSI talent can do all of the of PSI areas like a mage could. A boon would give a bonus to a specific area then. But I guess this is really purely a matter of taste.

I have not read the latest rules iteration of BoL yet, but I gather the way damage is done is calculated differently in the newest version? I think that could be useful to implement.

Finally I would also suggest to use the 2D10 vs 12 Variant from Honor+Intrigue. I think that the higher range and that it is harder to get autosuccesses would benefit a Sci Fi Campaign with a more "Realisitc" tone.


Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at!

10/16/2014 8:15 am  #143

Re: Barbarians of the Void

Chaosmeister wrote:

Had another read through and there is a lot I like. Well thought out and well written to boot.
Some stuff I have been thinking about:

Will add the carrers Scientist/Genius  Dilettante/Noble Drifter/Beggar Hunter/Scout and need to think up some Boons / Flaws that would be fitting for these careers as well. 

Propably will create some Boon/Flaw Background packages. Like "Spacer" "Heavy G Worlder" "Toxic Atmosphere Worlder" etc. as generic background packages.

 Need more Cyberware ;-) Since characters do not really handle money in any practical sense cyberwear as gear would not make much sense as in other games would it? The player would just need to do some lucky rolls to get all cybered up if it was gear only, there would be no progression. I usually prefer Cyberware as gear and not as boon, that is why I am asking primarily, you all have propbaly more experience with BoL then I do :-)

I thank you for your examples for the PSI abillities, magic is the hardest part to adjudicate in BoL for me.
After some thinking I would structure it differently though. PSI talent can do all of the of PSI areas like a mage could. A boon would give a bonus to a specific area then. But I guess this is really purely a matter of taste.

I have not read the latest rules iteration of BoL yet, but I gather the way damage is done is calculated differently in the newest version? I think that could be useful to implement.

Finally I would also suggest to use the 2D10 vs 12 Variant from Honor+Intrigue. I think that the higher range and that it is harder to get autosuccesses would benefit a Sci Fi Campaign with a more "Realisitc" tone.


You make some good points. I'd be interested in seeing what you come up with.
As for money in the game, I took to using the wealth system from Honor & Intrigue,
I find it suits my style of gaming.

I've started the process of writing up my home brew setting.
It's the setting I've been using on and off in various sci fi games for years and I'm in the process of writing it up for BotV.
I call it "The Bleeding Edge". A little over 90 systems spread out across dozens of parsecs.
Over the next few weeks, I'll be trying to label all the systems and nebula clouds. I'll update the map as it goes.
After that, I'll see if I can write up a brief paragraph or two for each system, but realistically that part is likely to be a long term project.

It's a largely humanocentric setting that crosses "Alien" with cyberpunk and "Firefly".

Last edited by nerosfiddle (10/16/2014 8:29 am)

     Thread Starter

10/18/2014 1:35 am  #144

Re: Barbarians of the Void

Sounds very close to what I have in mind! Good luck on that, you have your work cout out for you. :-) I plan to use a mix of Traveller, Stars Without Numbers and Hulks&Horrors Planet/System generation to populate the sectors. Writing it up on my own without such aid seems like a daunting task. 

Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at!

10/19/2014 2:11 am  #145

Re: Barbarians of the Void

While writing up my own setting I have come to a small hitch. I would like to introduce some form of tech levels, but I am not quiet sure how to handle that. I was thinking someone using items from a higher or lower tech level has a difficulty modifier to using them, depending on the difference in Tech level (Ranging from TL 1-5). So someone from a TL 2 World using a TL 3 item would need to do a Tricky check. Damage would also be modified when it comes to weapons. TL 5 Weapons would do normal damage agaisnt TL5 equipped Characters,but +4 Damage against someone wearing TL1 Armor.That is he thing I ma most worried about, what to do if someone is unarmored? And what about beasts?
Similarly it would modify any aquisition roll. If you want to buy a TL 4 weapon on a TL2 World that would be two steps removed and a Hard Check. The other way around, buying a TL 2 Item on a TL 4 World would be an easy task.

I do like the simplicity of the "Primitive flaw" though. Maybe I am overthinking and overcomplicating it.

Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at!

10/19/2014 5:29 am  #146

Re: Barbarians of the Void

The below is what I posted on the old forum some time ago. I think Simon put in his draft of the newest BoL rules. Use it as a starting point if you like. 
Since PCs will be from worlds of very different tech levels you could add a trait that is based on the tech level of the world/place they grew up on/in.
I will use the term Tech Savvy,
0-agrarian, pre-industrial world (pre 19th century)
1-new industrial (19-21st century)
2-electronic/automated industry (post 21st century, speculative near future)
3-microtech/postindustrial (tecnobabble devices and far future speculative)
4-old empire tech (wonder tech and devices that are nearly like magic, no one can make them any more but they are still working, the citizens may just use them and not understand how they work. There may be a tecno-priesthood that maintains things)

This trait may be defined by a PC’s world of origin, meaning all known worlds will need their tech level defined. It could also be used as a boon/flaw based on the PCs planet of origin.


10/19/2014 6:11 am  #147

Re: Barbarians of the Void

For task rolls across tech levels, either increase in difficulty or penalty dice is the way to go.

I don't think higher tech weapons should do more damage, a bow, rifle or laser are all going to be similar imo, it's the armour that would make the difference.


10/19/2014 9:09 am  #148

Re: Barbarians of the Void

I agree with Venomous Filigree about higher tech armour being the relevant modifier to damage rolls rather than weapons. A black powder weapon today still does horrible damage when it hits just as it did a couple of centuries ago; a soldier wearing modern kevlar may have a better chance of survivng the hit but that's more to do with the advanced armour than the weapon being old tech.

Last edited by The GIT! (10/19/2014 9:09 am)

Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.

10/19/2014 11:16 am  #149

Re: Barbarians of the Void

I can imagine that higher tech could allow a weapon greater damage yeild with less mass/size up to a point.
In Trek the hand phaser comes in 3 sizes (pocket, pistol and rifle) with each being a devistating weapon for being hand held. The sizes seem to be enhancements to power supply and range.
In Star Wars a blaster is a blaster with blaster rifels having somewhat more punch and range. These are merely observations of the films, I did not reference any tech info on the subject.


10/19/2014 3:37 pm  #150

Re: Barbarians of the Void

A rifle will likely yield more damage than a pistol, but that is more a result of size/mass rather than tech level. For me higher tech level weapons would likely be made of lighter and stronger materials and more reliable but, at the end of the day, a bullet still does damage by transferring kinetic energy to its target (just like a lower tech slug thrower). Admittedly, some designs of bullets might do more damage (the classic dumdum) at the expense of lesser armour penetration, but even dumdum bullets are pretty low tech from the 19th century and this is a design rather than a tech level change.

Again, I still feel it is better to reflect damage advantages due to tech level in armour rather than delivery systems. There are lots of other advantages you can give higher tech weapons such as range, rate of fire, wieght, accuracy, ammo capacity etc to make them still worth having.

Last edited by The GIT! (10/19/2014 3:38 pm)

Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.

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