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9/03/2014 6:45 am  #101

Re: Barbarians of the Void

jasales wrote:

Should I start a thread labeled Barbarians of the Void Play Reports?

I think a seperate thread for BotV Play Reports would be a good idea; that way we can keep this thread for discussing rules etc and have the play reports all together in one thread.

BTW - has anyone heard from nerosfiddle lately? I know he was expecting to have some PC issues but I hope he can join us again soon.

Last edited by The GIT! (9/03/2014 6:47 am)

Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.

9/03/2014 6:54 am  #102

Re: Barbarians of the Void

My impression was that contact would be sporadic for at least another week maybe more.

I think I'm wrong on that btw.

Last edited by jasales (9/04/2014 12:13 pm)


9/04/2014 11:07 am  #103

Re: Barbarians of the Void

Another Starship Boon I'm using in my game.

ION Cannons: One or more of this ship's weapons are ION Cannons. These cannons damage all systems except Hull and Boons. Law enforcement and interdiction military ships use them to capture vessels. Pirates pay good money to get their hands on these weapons. Systems disabled by this type of weapon recover one point per hour after taking damage.

Last edited by jasales (9/04/2014 11:09 am)


9/11/2014 11:14 am  #104

Re: Barbarians of the Void

Another starship boon.

Explorer Package: The ship can launch a number of micro satellites, probes and beacons to provide a new world GPS, and begin detailed mapping, geological and biological analysis.  This also sets up a communications network for ground to orbit and ground to ground. A ship will have a supply of satellites and probes (enough for one planet) equal to its size rating. Satellites and probes can be recovered. Beacons are often left in orbit for claims staking or sharing of survey information.

Last edited by jasales (9/11/2014 11:24 am)


9/11/2014 2:34 pm  #105

Re: Barbarians of the Void

jasales wrote:

A ship will have a supply of satellites and probes (enough for one planet) equal to its size rating.

Not sure about this statement. I understand the supply being equal to the size rating but how does that equate to being enough for one planet? One ship of size 4 compared to a ship of size 2 obviously have a different number of satellites and probes; how is it determined how many are needed for one planet? Using Mongoose Traveller, Earth would be a size 8 planet - perhaps a similar scale can be used to determine the minimum number of satellites etc that are required?

Also, what about ships that have the Capital Ship boon?

Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.

9/11/2014 4:38 pm  #106

Re: Barbarians of the Void

For my game I'm not worrying about how many satilites per planet. It is enough for me to know if you have enough or not. If the planet is larger I will add some time to the survey, or work off of the difficulty chart. I'm not sizing planets or anything like that. Capital Ships always have enough.


9/11/2014 6:15 pm  #107

Re: Barbarians of the Void

jasales wrote:

For my game I'm not worrying about how many satilites per planet. It is enough for me to know if you have enough or not. If the planet is larger I will add some time to the survey, or work off of the difficulty chart. I'm not sizing planets or anything like that. Capital Ships always have enough.

OK - so are you saying that the supply equaling the size rating is an idicator of how many planets can be surveryed before the need to re-stock? I can certainly see that making sense, although I do like the idea of the planet size also coming in to play.

Last edited by The GIT! (9/11/2014 6:15 pm)

Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.

9/12/2014 5:58 am  #108

Re: Barbarians of the Void

Yes!  Your wording is what I was going for.

I have planet size play into some of the sensor rolls, Survery rolls etc.  I figure more than size goes into it, strange ion disturbances, radiation (from gas giants), charged atmospheres, larger sizes all play into the difficulty chart. 

Well here is what I've been toying with for my campaign:
Planetary Surveys
[*]Launch Satellites and probes and allow time for mapping and scanning. 2d6 hours.
[*]Check for each of the following:
[*]Check for sentient life (if found, stop survey and notify First Contact Team)
[*]Anomalous Energy Readings
[*]Mineral Resources
[*]Send surveyor team to inspect and catalogue any of the above.
[*]Send final report to USU Survey Authority
[*]Leave beacon with registry and any necessary warnings/legalities/mineral claims
[*]Collect Satellites and Probes (optional, manytimes you'll want to leave them in place).

Last edited by jasales (9/12/2014 6:02 am)


9/13/2014 9:46 am  #109

Re: Barbarians of the Void

I can't stop myself!
New Starship Boon
Tractor Beam:
The starship can “capture” and tow other starships at Short range. Use Career + TACOM + Size and subtract target ship Size, Speed and ECM. Tractor Beams do not get the +1 bonus that weapons do at Short range.


9/26/2014 10:58 am  #110

Re: Barbarians of the Void

Here is something I made for my homebrew Campaign (Excel Character Sheets).

You can save and edit/hack them for your own use.

Character sheet:
Sample Character:

Last edited by jasales (9/26/2014 12:05 pm)


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