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@Murgh Bpurn - I'm just outside Plymouth
roo, PMed you!
nerosfiddle wrote:
I'm not in GMT, but I'm on vacation until the start of March, so if you need an extra pay tester, I'd love to participate. I'm a huge fan of Roll20 and know my way around it and Google Hangouts.
I'm having a preplaytest playtest tonight, if it goes well, I'll try and organise a one shot before the start of March.
OK, pre playtest went good enough to go further!
How are folk fixed for a Wednesday evening (GMT) playtest?
I can join in on Wednesday although I'm unfamiliar with Roll20
Great, so that's two players so far.
Roll20 will only take a few minutes to explain, it's quite easy to pick up.
I'm good for Wednesday if you still need an extra body.
So that's three players interested, which is enough for a playtest. I'm a bit busy to run this Wednesday, so what about 26 Feb?
Nerosfiddle are you on G+, if so can you PM my your profile link?
26th should be ok.
26th is fine. PMing you my Google + info now.
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