Hi jasales.
I'll go over the document again when I get home.
I'll see if I can address some of the things you've underlined.
This looks very nice at a glance, but for some reason I can't get it downloaded. It seems to DL ok, but it ends up an incomplete document and unreadable. Odd.
Last edited by Claybor (7/29/2014 11:38 am)
Late to commenting here -- I've been sitting on the downloaded file for months, and only recently got around to reading all the way through. Fantastic job!!!
I've been re-reading the Dune series lately, which has prompted some longing gazes at my Fading Suns PDFs through BotV-colored glasses... Too many games, too little time!
What do you think of this additional Boon?
Gunner’s Turret – designate up to half of the ship’s weapons as gunner’s turrets and they can be fired using Agility + Tac Comp + Career in addition to remote operations consoles (Mind + Tac Comp + Career).
jasales wrote:
I've been playing with this for a couple of weeks.
Let me start by saying I think you've done a great job.
Good choice of careers but I would like to see a break down by paragraph where you do an overview, then list what attributes are general most useful, followed by how the career contributes to adventuring and then how the career contributes to combat.
Good list of boons and flaws.
Great job on the psychic powers. I'm looking forward to using them.
Starships - bravo very nice job. On page 50 isn't it a 6 P jump from Nimbus to Shinon?
I think you've done a bang up job on starship conflict and construction. I'm a big fan of Shields as a degradeable feature on startships. I'm not fond of the shields as boon. But I can't for the life of me figure out a graceful way of putting them in with the system you have without chaning the system too much.
Damage to starships? Who decides where the damage goes?
I love how you provide the other players things to do on the starship. Nice job.
Please, please please,could you add bookmarks to this document?
Okay, I quickly went over the document. I haven't actually made any changes to it yet. That'll come a little later.
- On page 50, the jump from Nimbus to Shinon is in fact 6 P, but I was using Zion as the initial jump point, and that's a 3 P jump to either one of those. It occurs to me that I never actually mentionned that I was measuring 1 Parsec = 1 Hex. I'll have to correct that.
- I tend to prefer Shields in the same way you do, but I opted for them as a boon to allow for settings that don't use them. It's just a style choice. Feel free to propose any alternate method of handling them. I'd love to get additional ideas.
- Damage to a starship should be allocated by the player of the ship recieving the damage. Again, it was an oversight on my part that I never actually write that out. I'll have to correct that too.
- I'll look into adding bookmarks. I don't have a pro version of Acrobat though, so I'm not sure how I can go about adding them. I'll look for alternatives.
- I like the Gunner's Turret boon.
Glad you enjoyed the work overall.
Last edited by nerosfiddle (7/30/2014 8:45 am)
Claybor wrote:
This looks very nice at a glance, but for some reason I can't get it downloaded. It seems to DL ok, but it ends up an incomplete document and unreadable. Odd.
Try this link:
1 parsec equals one hex - yep, I puzzled that one out. all good.
Shields - if they acted as an initial damage reducing thing and if exceeded they drop a level that might work. Then remaining damage is rolled for with an armor check.
Shields 3 would mean 3 points of incoming damage would be negated. If 6 points of damage hit, 3 would be negated, Shields would drop to 2 for the rest of the scene (unless fixed with damage control) and the remaining 3 point of damage would trigger an armor roll. I dunno...a little clunky?
I think they would be better if integrated into the 4 Combat Abilities, maybe replacing weapon mounts? I just don't know. I think the design you have is tight. It works. But I want to hear, "Shields are down! What do we do Captain?!" at the gaming table.
I've successfully made book marks in Word, Open Office and Libre Office. They all translate over to the PDF when saved as a PDF.
Gunners' Turret Boon - use anything if you like it. I don't need credit.
And I didn't just enjoy the work overall. I was impressed and loved it. I was gearing up for a HardNova ][ campaign but it is now going to be BoV powered.
Last edited by jasales (7/30/2014 9:11 am)
Got the download thanks. Looking forward to giving it a good read through.
jasales wrote:
But I want to hear, "Shields are down! What do we do Captain?!" at the gaming table.
You know, it occurs to me that all you might have to do is replace the Armor attribute with Shields.
You might consider using the same mechanics for Armor but call it Shields instead and just make Armor a boon. In that case, Shields would drop if and when damage is applied to that attribute.
Or, after swapping Armor for Shields as an attribute you could have Shields provide a static amount of protection that drops with every hit as you suggested. There's a few different ways I think we could approach it depending on personal preference.
gnombient wrote:
Late to commenting here -- I've been sitting on the downloaded file for months, and only recently got around to reading all the way through. Fantastic job!!!
I've been re-reading the Dune series lately, which has prompted some longing gazes at my Fading Suns PDFs through BotV-colored glasses...Too many games, too little time!
I LOVE Fading Suns!
I ran it for years. Brilliant game.