This I’d love to see, as I’ve always thought that civilisation has a lot to offer as a setting, if you downplay real history and set the pulp dial to 11. It reminded me of an idea of mine that I’ll probably never get to run – one of many - so I thought I’d throw it out here to see if it is of interest/use to anyone else.
I had an idea for a fantasy Ancient Egyptian game mainly based on the premise that I read on another board that if you are playing in Conan’s world, you are already playing in the world of the Mythos.
Added to which is: my love of Howard’s King Kull stories; the fact that the Hyborian Age’s Stygia is essentially Ancient Egypt with big snakes; that the Howard story ‘Kings of the Night’ has Kull travel forward in time to aid Bran Mak Morn against a Roman army; that the Pharaoh Akhenaten and his family ‘looked weird’; that Lovecraft’s Great Race of Yith avoided destruction by fleeing their enemies through time; and that at the end of the story ‘The Shadow Kingdom’ King Kull swore to hunt the shape shifting serpent men over land and sea until all were slain.
So...King Kull harries the serpent men towards extinction in all the lands of the Thurian Age. But a serpent man sorcerer creates a time gate to save a fraction of his/her people by sending them forward in time. These refugees assume the likeness of humans in the early Hyborian Age and found the state that will later become Stygia. How ruin comes to Stygia is lost in the sands of time, but be assured, when ruin comes the serpent men elite flee forward in time once more.
During the time of 18th Dynasty, the Pharaoh Amenhotep IV is killed by the serpent men cabal and replaced by one of their own. Pharaoh repudiates the state religion, institutes a monotheistic worship of the sun disc, Aten, and changes his name to Akhenaten (Servant of the Aten). He also moves the capital to a new city built in the desert, Akhetaten (The Horizon of the Aten).
The priests of the old religion, based in Memphis, hear strange tales of goings on in the new capital. Of a new pyramid being built – the first in centuries – and rumours of giant snakes that prowl the streets at night, eating who they please. Finally, a priest and a scribe find old rotting books in the Forbidden Library at Memphis that tell legends of earlier heroes who faced a terrible evil at the heart of their civilisations – and how they might be contacted...
Kull knows the phrase that no serpent man can utter, even in human form, which can be used to identify them. Conan knows all about seizing control of a kingdom (as does Kull).
A long game of a series of sessions might be run, where PCs (Egyptian priests, scribes and soldiers) slowly discover the truth about the Pharaoh’s family, court and Royal Guard and seek the way to identify and defeat the serpent men menace by consulting the shades of Kull and Conan before staging their coup d’état against Akhenaten.
However I might prefer to run a one-shot where the PCs are King Kull, King Conan, a top Egyptian General and the greatest Sorcerer-Priest in Memphis. High powered characters backed by the cream of the Egyptian army dealing with the hellish snake nest of Akhetaten.
Conan: “By Crom, leave not one alive!”
Kull: “Take the pyramid!”
That is several layers of awesome...I don't even care much for time travel.
Also, Robert Bloch ties the Mythos to Ancient Egypt in several tales. The dark cult of Nyarlathotep arises many times across the centuries, and it seems that Anubis, Bubastis, Sebek, and Set are linked to the Crawling Chaos as well.
An interesting campaign might be set during the brief and troubling reign of Nephren-Ka, the Black Pharaoh. During this time, Nyarlathotep was worshipped openly, and grotesque human-animal hybrids stalked the land. The Chaosium books have placed Nephren-Ka's reign at the end of the Old Dynasty, but I believe this is a serious misreading of Bloch's "Fane of the Black Pharoah," and Nephren-Ka should be dated to the mid-Seventh Century B.C. instead.
I introduced some King in Yellow cultists into our Lemurian game. However, as this is S&S and not a Call of Cthulhu game, I keep the Mythos more on the back burner than in a CoC game and more easily challenged. In my Lemuria the cultists were few and relatively weak, but dangerously well connected.
Feldrik wrote:
That is several layers of awesome....
And several layers more! Damn, that is outstanding!
Thanks for the kind words!
I think in one of the Dark Horse Conan comics (or possibly somewhere else) they had a story where Conan comes across Serpent Men hiding in a Pictish tribe, and reluctantly allies with a Pict priestess to deal with the menace. He finds evidence of Kull's conflict with the Serpent Men and learns the phrase with which to identify them when they are in human form. I probably had a vague memory of this when I came up with the game idea.
I think an team up between Kull and Conan in a one-shot would be a blast. However, I'd be quite happy to play the Egyptian general - those kopesh swords are cool!
Narmer, how is the scenario coming along? Enquiring minds want to know...
Gruntfuttock wrote:
Narmer, how is the scenario coming along? Enquiring minds want to know...
I have faltered and become distracted. This happens with many of my projects. I will try to start it up again.
Narmer wrote:
Gruntfuttock wrote:
Narmer, how is the scenario coming along? Enquiring minds want to know...
I have faltered and become distracted. This happens with many of my projects. I will try to start it up again.
Oh yeah, tell me about it! I'm tinkering with a Dicey Tales game idea set in the French Belle Epoque, which I first thought of about a couple of years ago. So many ideas and so little time....
Still, keep plugging away mate, and you'll get it finished eventually.