How should the GM handle Task Rolls for passive situations?
By "passive" i mean the sorts of things that a PC doesn't necessarily actively do, but does without effort simply because they're sensitive, experienced, intuitive, or whatnot - things like noticing they're being followed, seeing through a lie, spotting a trap, sensing an aura, and so forth.
The roll would (likely) be Mind + relevant career. As a GM i'd usually just prompt a player whose PC has relevant Career and let them decide what to do next. Eg, "You notice some tracks up ahead [because hunter(1)]. What do you about that?"
But i can envision other ways to do it: Say nothing, let the players always be proactive; Or ask for checks out of the blue without context, give info only on successes; Or roll secretly/NPC perspective; etc.
Is there a "correct" way that I'm missing in the rules? Or if not, I'm also curious how GMs generally tend to run these sorts of "passive checks" or "always on abilities" in the spirit of the BoL system.
(Fwiw, main reason I ask is for basic traps, deceptions, and ambushes, without weird complicating factors.)
Last edited by JiminyQ (4/29/2024 3:24 pm)
JiminyQ wrote:
Or ask for checks out of the blue without context, give info only on successes;
This is how I usually do it, I tell the player: make a Observation/Perception check, using your Mind and Appropriate career. If they are successful: "Something catches your eye" or "you hear a noise from the bushes off to your right", etc..
If they fail "you look around and don't notice anything, all of a sudden a large boar rushes out from the bushes to your right - make a Priority Roll!" (In this case, because they failed their Observation task roll, they would get a -1 penalty to thier Priority Roll)
For me, BoL is all about dynamic action... "usually" the die get rolled when things are going to get "interesting." (But not always..)
Last edited by Sigulf (4/29/2024 3:51 pm)
The only correct answer is 'what is the best for your table'.
However, Sigulf gives wise advice as always, and you should listen to his wisdom.
(The fact that his example is the same way I do it has possibly some influence on my recommendation!)
Thanks for the replies!
Yeah, the "just in the nick of time" approach makes a lot of sense, especially for S&S type adventures. (A trap would work similarly, too, I imagine.) I was thinking that's "Make a spot roll!" would happen anyway if no one in the party had a relevant Career. But I suppose it all depends on the point of scene and the number/tastes of the group. I guess it'll take some experimenting to find the sweet spot.
The other sorts of perception tasks that I'm a little fuzzy on are more people-focused ones, like lies. Usually, I'd be inclined to just describe the situation (with or without hints, depending on the NPC), but generally let the players decide to be suspicious or not; if they don't figure it out right then, they will soon enough - and probably in a much more inconvenient situation.
Any pointers on that sort of thing, eg dealing with a swindle or something?
Gruntfuttock wrote:
The only correct answer is 'what is the best for your table'.
Absolutely! It's just good to know I wasn't missing something explicit in the book. Sometimes I'm just *not quite sure* when it comes to unfamiliar rules. Sounds like the ideal is just to be pretty open-minded and lean into the surprises, action, intrigue without worrying too much about what's "correct."
Remember there is the boon Detect Deception.
"Detect Deception: You are good at spotting when you are being lied to. Any time someone tries to lie to or con you, you often see right through them. You receive a bonus die to divine fact from fable. You won’t automatically know the truth, but you know that what you’re being told isn’t it."
That seems to cover it for me. If no one has in the party this boon then simple Mind rolls with a minus to the roll (as they don't have the boon - possibly tied into the Mind rating of the grifter) seems good to me. You can do blind rolls if you want - player(s) rolls but looks away - but a failed roll descibed as "You're not sure." (close miss) or "Seems jake to you." (poor fail) works. In open rolls players obviously have to go along with the failure result in the ongoing conversation with the NPC.
Not that I'm opposed to just roleplaying the whole thing either.
Ah, right, that's a good point. Some boons and flaws need an opportunity to do their thing, too. Now I'm starting to understand the advantage of calling for a Task Roll right at the moment.
Very helpful insights, thanks.
Mind+Relevent Career+Boon or - Flaw covers most things; but it can come down to just a Mind roll (possibly with a minus) if someone is totally unskilled in the area.
I run a lot of 1930s pulp games and play in 1920s games and checking for "Am I being followed?" comes up a lot on busy streets or while driving.
So, just to add a slightly different take to the discussion. I tend to keep a record of PC character stats to the side; if I want characters to make a "passive" check without the players being tipped off about things, I sometimes just tell the players to roll a specific number of dice without telling them how I decided the number. Sometimes I get them to do it even if it's not needed to keep them guessing; it can really mess with them if they roll a high number and I still don't tell them anything. The trick is not to abuse it - do it the right amount and it can add tension even when there is nothing about to happen.