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7/01/2014 2:55 pm  #41

Re: Announcement!

umungus wrote:

Cool! Can't wait to see the book. Glad you are unleashing the 'Devilmonkey' on this project!
His savage yet refined temperment make for a rare artist with unique talent.

Yes, he's getting quite the sort after artist. One of my other favourite games is getting more of his attention!


7/01/2014 10:13 pm  #42

Re: Announcement!

BoL Everywhen

     Thread Starter

7/02/2014 1:39 am  #43

Re: Announcement!

Simon W wrote:

BoL Everywhen



7/03/2014 9:03 am  #44

Re: Announcement!

Everywhen? What does it mean?

I'm still counting impatiently my coins...

Bow to Satan!!!

7/03/2014 9:18 am  #45

Re: Announcement!

Mruf wrote:

Everywhen? What does it mean?

"every period in time, similar to "everywhere"; To or in every time; To or in all times;. If I were to build a time machine, I would travel everywhere and everywhen."

     Thread Starter

7/03/2014 9:25 am  #46

Re: Announcement!

Thx 4 explanation. I didn't find such a word in my translator

I shall play BoL everywhere and everywhen ...if I'll have a chance.
At a time I've got only the pictureless draft. Sad.

Bow to Satan!!!

7/03/2014 11:07 am  #47

Re: Announcement!

Kickstarter will be going live this time next week, at the latest. You'll get a sneak peek here, before then...


7/03/2014 11:35 am  #48

Re: Announcement!

We could marry you (symbolically) for that news! :D

Bow to Satan!!!

7/06/2014 4:28 am  #49

Re: Announcement!

Who wants to give feedback on the Kickstarter, prior to going live....?


7/06/2014 6:22 am  #50

Re: Announcement!

I can take a look ;)

A Disciple from a Savage World.

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