It seems we are trying to justify a forth combat ability in initiative that really isn't needed. Why not just use melee, ranged, and defense?
In the same way have three characteristics strength, agility, and mind. Appeal can be replaced with a boon used in social interaction.
I like the boon system for non combat skills and interactions. Combat boons on the other hand seem so advantageous that all fighters will have them or feel slighted. Are combat boons really adding anything?
Just some thoughts. Thanks!
Offline wrote:
It seems we are trying to justify a forth combat ability in initiative that really isn't needed. Why not just use melee, ranged, and defense?
Im not sure what you mean by this. Are you saying that you shouldn't roll initiative?
As for Boons in combat and other situations. The boons allow for more succeses which make for a faster and less frustrationg game. It also makes it more deadly for PCs and NPCs. Remember though, a Boon is a specialization. It requires a special situation or a particular artifact or weapon to be used.
After a while characters tend to collect several Boons. So, they will have a variety of combat and non combat Boons. The rules tend to balance as characters advance. The player will see the need for more non- combat Boons. The Flaws tend to balance out the power of the Boons.
This is a game of Epic Heroes and unreal Feats. The characters succeed a lot. This may seem strange to RPGers used to the crawling die roll frustration of other big box games. I enjoy the looks on players faces when they roll success after success and them get to defeat 8 rabble in a single round. . . . . Play more games of BOL. The elegence of the system will revel itself to you.
umungus wrote: wrote:
It seems we are trying to justify a forth combat ability in initiative that really isn't needed. Why not just use melee, ranged, and defense?
Im not sure what you mean by this. Are you saying that you shouldn't roll initiative?
As for Boons in combat and other situations. The boons allow for more succeses which make for a faster and less frustrationg game. It also makes it more deadly for PCs and NPCs. Remember though, a Boon is a specialization. It requires a special situation or a particular artifact or weapon to be used.
After a while characters tend to collect several Boons. So, they will have a variety of combat and non combat Boons. The rules tend to balance as characters advance. The player will see the need for more non- combat Boons. The Flaws tend to balance out the power of the Boons.
This is a game of Epic Heroes and unreal Feats. The characters succeed a lot. This may seem strange to RPGers used to the crawling die roll frustration of other big box games. I enjoy the looks on players faces when they roll success after success and them get to defeat 8 rabble in a single round. . . . . Play more games of BOL. The elegence of the system will revel itself to you.
In the draft of the mythic rules brawling has been replaced by initiative for combat abilities, I believe. Actually I've played quite a bit and do love the system. My fear is that things will become more complicated going into the mythic rule set. I agree with everything you've said I just think the utility of the combat boons are too great compared to others.
My players have brought a kingdom to ruin using "Friends in low places" and "Attractive". ;)
Offline wrote:
It seems we are trying to justify a forth combat ability in initiative that really isn't needed. Why not just use melee, ranged, and defense?
In the same way have three characteristics strength, agility, and mind. Appeal can be replaced with a boon used in social interaction.
It's always been 4 stats, 4 combat abilities (& 4 starting careers). I'm not justifying anything - there's nothing to justify. That's the system. You can drop initiative and appeal from your home-grown version, if that works for you. It doesn't work for me though.
BoL rules are enough simple, further cutting would be undesired. I agree with Simon - everybody have the right to brew itself a home version. Official one must left unaltered.
I personally prefer the change in Mythic that replaces Brawl with Initiative. For me Initiative is an important stat and Brawl, quite correctly, can be incorporated in to the Fight skill.
The concern about the Mythic rules possibly making BoL too complicated is not an issue for me. In fact, I would like to see a number of optional rules added that allow a more detailed version of the game. I am presently working on some houserules that allow for specialization in careers and skills; I'm also looking at adopting some other houserules that use the combat roll to determine the damage dealt and the initiative roll for the next combat round (which is why I am so happy to see Initiative have its own stat).
The beauty of BoL is that it allows for so many tweaks and houserules while staying true to the intentions of Simon's original design (Honor + Intrigue and the other published settings demonstrate this very well).
I've played complicated systems (GURPS, LEGEND, The One Ring or Conan d20) and BoL's simplicity is... refreshing. I don't want to look for next throng of rules scattered here and there. BoL gives me that comfort of playing without looking around for some rulezzz. I appreciate that you seek the best way of playing adding next things to core. Once I did the same with every setting I played Now I'm too old 4 that
Last edited by Mruf (5/10/2014 7:58 am)
I think my players were satisfied yesterday with BoL's engine. It works quite well, it's furious and fun. They have killed many rabbles but stronger creatures (f.i. Phongs - 3 per capita) were very, very hard to beat. Battle on the board of the small boat with Zathog and Phongs was epic Than exploration of the crumbling ruins of the ancient T'leth (twin city to M'lor which was built near Satarla, on the other side of the Tyr, in the jungle) gave us more fun and... stress.
Mechanic is great.
I see appeal as a bit of a weak stat that frequently gets overlooked and unused during character creation. I change it up a bit and call it Presence and have it encompass willpower as well. This gives each stat 2 facets which in many games are split up. I think it adds a bit of balance to the 4 stats.
Strength - Strength/Health
Agility - Agility/Dexterity
Mind - Intelligence/Perception
Presence - Charisma/Willpower