I have an idea for an optional rule for initiative and I would like to here your comments about that.
At the beginning of a fight-scene you roll your initiative. And this initiativ value is fixed for the whole battle. But what if some special attacks (that give certain bonus to the roll oder damage and can only be performed with the appropriate career) would cost some points of initiative (maybe because they take more time than a standard attack, or are very exhausting). So performing extravagant attacks could make you fall down the initiative line.
On the other hand if a player or npc gets hit very hard he could also loose some points of initivative, to simulate the moment of catching breath.
If the initiative falls to 0 or below the character is stunned (can not attack) for one round and has to reorientate, which means he gets to roll a new initiative.
Tell me what you think, and if you have any idea of the scaling of these costs. ;)
Unfortunately it would make combat a little bit harder to track for the GM, although I think this rule would only apply to none-rabble, because usually rabbels don't know special attacks, and they hardly survive more than one hit.
It sounds good but BoL's author intends (I hope so) to leave the system fast, furious and fun. Such a change could slow down a game. It doesn't correspond with Sword&Sorcery style.
I agree, I think that fast and fun should trump additional rules.
Personally, my preference is to use the houserule in which each Attack roll determines the Damage for the attack and the Initiative for the next round. It still keeps things fairly fast and loose but also requires the players to make diffcult tactical decisions. The one thing I don't like is a static Initiative as I don't think that really reflects the reality of the chaos of combat.