A new version of Atlantis: the Second Age has been published in PDF, with print on the way. I haven't seen the finished edition, but if last year's no-art playtest PDF is any indicator, there's plenty of good stuff to pillage for Lemuria or other antediluvian sword & sorcery settings... Any fans of the Bard Games, Morrigan Press, or the current Khepera Publishing versions of the Atlantis setting? Anyone ported stuff over to your BoL games?
Could you write a bit more about engine, world?
There's a free map + mini-gazetteer pack at RPGNow with some basic world info. The mechanics are based on the "Omni System" (used in the 2005 Atlantis RPG as well as Talislanta 4th and 5th editions), which uses a unified d20 mechanic (single d20 roll + modifiers, consult a table for degree of success.)
It's a fine system, I messed around with it some back in the day, but I'm not a big fan of long skill lists... For me, BoL's career system strikes the perfect balance between "classes" and "skills."
Also, there's a lengthy thread over at Big Purple discussing A:2A with the authors if you want to learn more about the system. My interest here was whether anyone has pinched any Atlantis stuff for their BoL game...
Aaaa, omni system - I read about Talislanta. Not bad solutions imo. Although I prefer multi dice systems - GURPS, Savage Worlds, BoL, twelve degree, with one exception - Openquest
For me, BoL's career system strikes the perfect balance between "classes" and "skills."
Simplicity it's BoL's forte. I like it, so constantly persuade my fellows to play it. To try if nothing else
Well, BoL handles settings pretty well. Most Mechanics from other games can esily be dealt with through Careers, Boons, and Flaws.
I've started to read this book. It is incredibly beautiful, I'm impressed. Hardcover is massive, pages soft as virgin's skin.
Content is beyond a fog, for I'm on 35th page
I'll report my feelings later.
there's supposed to be another book that covers the continents, etc, without any system material. That would be perfect to pick up for use with BoL
I've played with Talislanta 4th. The system is very intuitive and easy to implement. But, I'd reduce the skill list...too long for my tastes. There is a new book coming which will be simplifying the system.
I still have the 1985 version of this from Bard Games. It is called The Lexicon:Atlas of the Lost World of Atlantis. It has the North Sea Region printed uside down in relation to the names on the map. I hope they fixed that.