Fermmoylle wrote:
The GIT! wrote:
Also, how do you rule about the enemy having the chance of rolling a Mighty Success? If he doesn't roll he can never roll a 12.
Good question. I suppose rolling a 2 would qualify for that?
I'm not so sure, as a 2 could signify a Calamitous Failure on the players part if he was using the Parry option. In theory you could have the NPC roll a Mighty Success on his attack while the PC rolls a Calamitous Failure on his Parry.
Actually, this raises another question. Usually Defence is a passive modifier, added to 9, to serve as a target number for the Attack Roll. Parry, on the other hand, is an active roll in direct opposition to the Attack Roll. In the new proposed "Player Rolls Everything" option how do you differentiate between Defence and Parry?
I'll add my vote to it being an optional rule. I can see the appeal for some, but I prefer the dynamic that exists with the current method. As a GM, I enjoy chucking dice too : )
These are all good questions. I haven't really given them much thought - I just threw the idea out there because I thought about it as an idea, not that I had any answers!
Simon W wrote:
These are all good questions. I haven't really given them much thought - I just threw the idea out there because I thought about it as an idea, not that I had any answers!
Hi Simon - don't misunderstand me, I'm not against the idea as an option and I'm not trying to throw out lots of reasons why it won't work. I actually think that, with a little thought, it could ve viable. As I said, I would just prefer it as an option rather than the default game mechanic. FWIW I use this style of play when using the Ubiquity system (Hollow Earth, Leagues of Adventure, All For One etc) and it works quite well. That said, as a GM I do like to roll dice as well
I have something similar with D&D before. It was interesting but my players didn't like it so I stopped. Besides as the DM I did sort miss rolling myself.
If you want yo do this the target number needs to change to keep the probabilities to remain the same. Currently the attacker succeeds on a 9 or better (assuming equal attack and defense). That is a 10 out of 36 chance of succeeding. So in the new system the defender would need to fail on a 10/36 probability and that would be on a 2-5 so the defender would only need to hit a target of 6 on his roll.
Also as talked about the mighty success on a 12 and calamitous failure on a 2 would need to swap.
Just for my two cents, I really wouldn't like these mechanics. If I wanted something like this, I would play Dungeon World or something. Part of the fun and charm of DMing a game like Barbarians is I get to have characters too and their interaction with the players drives the plot, I don't just come up with some plot that the players react too. Players roll everything goes too far in that latter direction, and may unconsciously foster railroading. An optional rule at most please.
I'm interested in optional rules, but I'm worried that this will stray too far from 1E BoL....
I don't see any problem with ongoing rule.
As an option good is always opposite roll - attacker casts against melee+2d6, and defender against defence+2d6, bigger result wins. Eventualy one can add some boons for attack or defence.
IMO current rules are anough good.
I'm also a huge fan of player-facing rolls after running lots of Apocalype World derived games. In fact, I have a hard time going back to run games where I (as GM) have to make rolls now. I'm currently running a BoL/*World mashup game (character traits/careers/etc. from BoL [Heroes of Hellas, actually] with *World style resolution [players make all rolls, 6- = fail, 7-9 = success at cost, 10+ = success]), and it runs great!