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10/04/2024 8:16 pm  #1

Solo RPG Campaign

Hey everyone, 

Has anyone had a successful long going solo rpg campaign? 
Do you just play one character or several? 

I tried one some time back and it was fun, but I was still learning the Mythic GM Emulator and I still haven't figured out the Adventure or Location Crafters. I saw a solo rpg post some time back with Valda of Valgard that looked interesting and wanted to know if there ever were any more adventures played. I would love to see if a few players might be interested in conducting a solo rpg campaign in the same universe, with each player playing solo with the Mythic GM Emulator, yet at some point coming together to team using the same Mythic GM Emulator, kind of similar to the Marvel solo movies leading up to the team movies.   I'm certainly interested in hearing your thoughts on solo rpg play, thanks!

Last edited by Gundarr_the_Great (10/12/2024 8:05 pm)


10/12/2024 3:55 pm  #2

Re: Solo RPG Campaign

Hey, Valda was my game. I ran one satisfying adventure with the Location Crafter, and another series of seven “chapters” with Untold: Adventures Await. I usually get bored after a while and move on, but I’m very interested in this type of thing.

Count me as interested!

Last edited by roryb (10/12/2024 4:06 pm)


10/12/2024 8:53 pm  #3

Re: Solo RPG Campaign

I was hoping you would respond!  I am familiar with Valda of Valgard, at least the story with the Location Crafter, I read it often to get ideas as to how to make my solo campaign with One-Eyed Norf work better.  I am not sure I have seen the seven chapters of Valda that you are mentioning, but would love to hear more about those adventures.  I would love to have One-Eyed Norf and Valda meet up!  One-Eyed Norf is a pirate thief who finds himself getting in trouble because he is always looking for quick riches and gets mixed up with the wrong women!  When I first created One-Eyed Norf, I created him with a partner, Crixas the Knave, sort of like a Gray Mouser character to him. But since I have played several solo games, I decided to change him to an NPC tough companion, while changing up the cast of NPCs around him at times.  I have played two full adventures so far and am in a third adventure right now.

One-Eyed Norf has tangled with pirates in his first adventure, the Pirate's Booty.  He was drugged by a merchant, Boss Bardhyl, and given the task of finding the merchant's wife, Rovena before the poison killed him.  He eventually went to the Pirate Isles and tangled with his former flame, Wild Bora, a pirate/witch, and the pirate Regul the Raider. 

In the second adventure, the City of Thieves, he teams up with a young novice thief, Bella Coza to raid a dead alchemist's house before the local thieving guilds can do so.  However, he becomes entangled in a war between the thieving guilds, especially when a married noblewoman, Lady Arlana, who is looking for him, gets kidnapped by one of the thieving guilds.  He soon learns that Lady Arlana is pregnant with his baby.  He has to deal with her jealous husband, Sky Captain Vitan, as well as one of the thieving guilds that have secured the services of a dark sorceress, Ku-Aya the Dark Mage. 

Finally, the third adventure, the Desert of Doom has One-Eyed Norf and his partner Crixas the Knave (who he teams up with in the previous adventure) travel to the city of Halakh to find Crixas' former lover.  She tried to kill the two in the previous adventure, but they thwarted her and she disappeared by the end of the story.  This adventure involves a crazed sorcerer, Ariistuzuun the Elder with a mercenary army seeking to cause destruction and achieve total domination. 

That is the story so far with One-Eyed Norf. I figure with One-Eyed Norf being a pirate/thief/lothario while Valda of Valgard being a barbarian/assassin/temptress, the two can attempt to "poach" Methyn Sarr, the Witch Queen, herself!

I must admit, although I have played a few games with Mythic GM Emulator, which I have found to be fun, I am still getting the hang of it.  That is why it would be nice to team with yourself, and others if interested to learn better.

Last edited by Gundarr_the_Great (10/13/2024 4:39 pm)

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10/12/2024 9:53 pm  #4

Re: Solo RPG Campaign

Wow! One-eyed Norf has gotten into more trouble than Valda, I must say! And it’s been some time since then, so I see my other seven chapter game was not Valda, but Asara the Blue (posted only on my now mouldering solo blog). I have some other notes of unpublished adventures for Valda involving a smattering of other things (looking, I see a Valda against the Circle of Ten with her new sidekick, Affalon, moving against a corrupt merchants’ council — unfinished; Valda in Halakh where she gets caught up with the scoundrel Harantar and the theft of a coveted dagger of Nemmereth — unfinished).

It sounds like the two could be a fitting pair of, well, misfit troublemakers. You have a great imagination and grandeur in your sweep of events by the sounds. It would be fun to collaborate on a game with the ulterior motive of learning how to run with Mythic. I also really enjoy using the random Location Crafter found in Mythic Magazine #2 and #3.

I have less time than I used to, so I don’t think I could commit to fast-moving game with a daily posting rate. The good thing about using Mythic is that you can work out a bigger chunk of narrative than one might normally in a traditional play by post “turn”, which can make those turns more meaningful.

I would be happy to have the two adventure together, adding a third or fourth if anyone else feels intrepid.


10/13/2024 3:30 pm  #5

Re: Solo RPG Campaign

That would be great!  When I read your story on Valda of Valgard, I thought it would be great if she could team up with One-Eyed Norf at some point.  And if more are interested, all the better!  I love the idea of the misfit troublemakers who journey through Lemuria finding trouble at every turn.  As for the time commitment, don't worry, I am like you, and that is why I can never commit to online games that are weekly or more frequent.  I will read up on the Location Crafter, as I saw you using it in your Valda quest.  For One-Eyed Norf, since I have completed two adventures and am in the process of a third mission, would you have a problem with me keeping the advancement points that I have already applied?  His partner, Crixas will most likely be retiring since his former love has rejoined him, and it might be time for One-Eyed Norf to journey solo again, at least until he meets Valda and perhaps others....

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10/13/2024 10:20 pm  #6

Re: Solo RPG Campaign

That’s very enticing! I really like the whole dynamic duo thing. Although more players could be fun, if we are doing a GM-free approach with Mythic, (1) it’s pretty niche and non-traditional (apt to scaring off candidates), and (2) more than two players using Mythic can devolve into a death-by-committee sort of affair (Mythic can generate a lot of meta-talk). We can advertise it and see what we get, or we can just go and perhaps pick up a player along the way.

Even better if we can perhaps use this board where other like-minded gamers can see what we’re doing and perhaps get interested and join in. We would have to see if @Simon_W would be okay with us doing that and grant a new sub-forum for pbp gaming here. It doesn’t hurt to ask!

Gundarr_the_Great wrote:

would you have a problem with me keeping the advancement points that I have already applied?  His partner, Crixas will most likely be retiring since his former love has rejoined him, and it might be time for One-Eyed Norf to journey solo again, at least until he meets Valda and perhaps others....

Not at all! As long as you don’t mind Valda keeping her one advance. I like the idea of them embarking on a simple heist or tomb-breaking scam only to rouse up the *real* trouble (brought to us via Mythic). I don’t think we need to get into the Location Crafter if you’re first trying to get the hang of Mythic (although, it sounds like you already have got the hang of it, to be honest). We can always add it later, especially if we embark on some sort of adventure in which a more exciting and detailed location-based thing is going on.

We also might employ Mythic to create am “off-screen” story of how the two met, what sorts of adventures they had, and build a little backstory as to what their first real thing is (in media res).


Yesterday 4:17 am  #7

Re: Solo RPG Campaign

That sounds good to me! I am excited to try this prospect since I have often wanted to try a GM-less game, with like-minded people. If more people want to join, all the better, but probably not too many since it would be hard to maintain a large group. I am thinking at least one or two at the most. 

Yes, of course, you can use the advancements for Valda as well, since she has been around a lot longer than One-Eyed Norf.  I have added one point to an attribute and one point to a career, the other point went to Crixas as being his follower, but like I said, I think he will be retiring for the time being now that he found his former love again. I have been reading up on the Adventure and Location crafters, and I may have already been using aspects of it, although it has probably been more intentional about destinations rather than spontaneous.  I think these two, and others like them if they are out there, will cause a lot of trouble in Lemuria. 

I know the backstory on Valda since I read it, I must say it was very nicely done!  Here is the backstory on One-Eyed Norf, along with a description, I even have a picture for him, but since it is not mine, I'm not sure if I can post it or not with the rules of copyright.  Let me know, thanks!

Description: Standing as a hulking figure with dark hair and large hands, One-Eyed Norf is hard to miss due to his eye injury.  Covering the wound with a bandana which he wears on his head, he almost always has a pipe sticking out of his mouth.  His face is tinged with a bluish color, which betrays his Blue Giant origins.  While he is very suave with his words, he is very clumsy in his manner, often lacking precision to perform skilled activities that would be expected of a thief such as lockpicking and pickpocketing.  He is constantly on the lookout to make money, often agreeing to tasks for the profit of the reward before considering the extent of the task to acquire it. He is in his mid-30s.
Norf hails from the city of Oomis, where his family ties with the Blue Giants originated causing him to have large hands and giant-like strength.  He was not very successful as a merchant, lacking the desire nor attention to what he was doing.  He inadvertently sold his family business without even realizing that, causing him to be disowned by his family, who were all successful merchants.  (Merchant)
However, what he lacked in being a successful merchant, he made up for with his poetic tongue, which he used as a talent for wooing the hearts of young maidens.  This aptitude allowed him to seduce many women ranging from serving wenches, peasants, and brothel prostitutes to one noblewoman.  This encounter involved a young, frustrated noblewoman named Lady Arlana, who was very wealthy but in an arranged marriage with a young ambitious noble named Vitan who flew as a sky pilot for the Satarla navy.   Being caught in the act, he was stabbed in the eye by the jealous husband, but he survived the attack due to his durability, earning him the nickname One-Eyed Norf.  (Lothario)
Sentenced to die for his crime of violating the noblewoman’s virtue, he escaped the jail when the town was attacked by pirates, who freed a fellow prisoner known as Wild Bora.  Talking her into taking him with her, he soon was able to woo her heart.  He soon became a member of the crew and learned all that he could from anyone who wished to share with him. Taking him as her lover, Wild Bora taught him how to become a good pirate, but soon lost control of her crew when she spent too much time with him.  (Pirate)
After a near mutiny, One-Eyed Norf fled from the pirates and journeyed to the city of Malakut, where he sought to find refuge with the thieves.  He joined the Ragged Knaves Guild and tried to learn the trade of being a good thief.  Yet, despite his desire to improve, he was unable to due to his large hands, and it was soon discovered that he was a terrible thief.  He was gracefully expelled from the thieving guild but was able to retain several contacts due to his masterful tongue. (Thief)

His misadventures have led him to much trouble, gaining many new enemies and allies. 


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Yesterday 2:35 pm  #8

Re: Solo RPG Campaign

This is a great backstory. I could see Valda and One-Eyed Norf relying on one another to get out of a scrape. (I assume it's always "One-Eyed Norf", "One-Eye", "Hey you!", but rarely "Norf". Correct?)

How about if we check with Simon to see if our experiment can be hosted here on Champions? I'll ping him and make a sacrifice to Piandra, Lady of Luck.


Yesterday 3:39 pm  #9

Re: Solo RPG Campaign

That is fine by me, like you said it can't hurt to ask.  Besides I would think that this is such an unusual and new venture, that it might be a first or at least a rarity!  As for Norf, he is called One-Eyed Norf by reputation due to his appearance, but not necessarily something he is confined to calling himself, he is just simply Norf, hey you, or let's get out of here right now buddy!  This is going to be a great endeavor!  Who knows it might be so interesting others might want to join, but we'll see. I feel that One-Eyed Norf and Valda balance each other so well, that it would almost have to be the right character.  I am starting to familiarize myself with the Adventure Crafter now and see how it works with the Mythic GM Emulator nicely.  Thanks!

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Yesterday 3:48 pm  #10

Re: Solo RPG Campaign

As I described here is the picture that I found that was perfect for One-Eyed Norf.  I remember the picture that you used for Valda was perfect as well!


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