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7/27/2024 10:56 am  #1

Creating Challenging Combat

A bit of setup first.
I'm using EW with some added bits from H&I and Tome of Options.  I've also opted to use 2d10 as the core role instead of the typical 2d6, mainly for longer play.  The game has been going great and we're about 8 months in since we started, with decent advancement all around.
My sticking point is setting up challenging combat encounters, where the enemies won't be pushovers.  I've been using the EW rules for determining the amount of baddies per hero, dependent upon if the enemies are rabble or toughs.  While this is a good starting point, I feel that it lacks some nuance and opted to use the varying "levels" as outlined in H&I.  Even so, the heroes manage to trounce their opposition on a regular basis, with little to worry about.  I'm all for throwing lots of cannon fodder at the group for them to cut down in swaths, but it does get repetitive.
Putting aside the usual suggestions of terrain, tactics, etc., what kind of equation do you use for determining the type and number of enemies?


9/01/2024 12:18 pm  #2

Re: Creating Challenging Combat

I am having a similar issue in my fantasy grounds BOL game. I created a great scene where the altar prevents all normal damage to the villain and the room does 2 LB every 10 minutes. Unfortunately two players rolled mighty and just destroyed my villain. I have been adding more creatures and villains with more LB. Kinda my own fault for giving master craft weapons but I enjoy games when players can get gear it is up to me to make it interesting. I enjoyed it when 10 lesser demons pop up and the players say oh Sh*t and we have to change tactics during the battle.


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