The Champions of Lemuria meet here.

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9/08/2024 10:36 am  #31

Re: I Remember Lemuria

StMichael wrote:

The conversation kind of went downhill from their, culminating in Nymox's decision to throw a knife at Ooryphas's face. (Hoping Quathoomar's attention is elsewhere at the moment, or will at least forgive the breach of hospitality against such an obvious jerk.)

He was claiming to be the lord of the surrounding lands and people, but didn't care that he was killing them off. It is, after all, a lord's duty to care for the land and his people! (Plus, his version of "hospitality" also involved threatening us, so Nymox figured it doesn't really count as hospitality.)

Again I had a great time running this game. And I've already got a handle on my plot for the next arc in Parsool (Chronicle III: City of Madness! You heard it here first!), where I'll start exploring my ideas on how to get the Sorcerer player's character concept to mesh seamlessly with Lemurian mythology. (It's actually not as heavy a lift as the gnome from my last Greyhawk campaign, and it's work I love...)

I'll be curious to see how THAT plays out.

-- Paul

9/08/2024 10:39 am  #32

Re: I Remember Lemuria

Gruntfuttock wrote:

I can image that as one of your players I'd be being increasingly intrigued by what was behind the false cave wall and wanting to talk to whoever built it. However some of the players from my old group from the 1990s would have killed Ooryphas as soon as he turned up!

I really wish I'd killed Ooryphas as soon as he turned up. I was only holding back because he does have a Murderbot and our Mightiest Warriors. Were not present.

Next time I'll keep the old adage in mind: Kill first, get a necromancer to help ask questions later!

-- Paul

9/08/2024 3:40 pm  #33

Re: I Remember Lemuria

CaptAdventure wrote:

I'll be curious to see how THAT plays out.

Oh, I shouldn't say too much, but it's got something to do with the First Age of Man, forgotten gods, and the reasons why Nemmereth can be both a God and a Dark God at the same time. Half of it will probably never be explicitly detailed in the campaign, but rest assured I think about it.

     Thread Starter

9/08/2024 9:55 pm  #34

Re: I Remember Lemuria

StMichael wrote:

CaptAdventure wrote:

I'll be curious to see how THAT plays out.

Oh, I shouldn't say too much, but it's got something to do with the First Age of Man, forgotten gods, and the reasons why Nemmereth can be both a God and a Dark God at the same time. Half of it will probably never be explicitly detailed in the campaign, but rest assured I think about it.

Didn't mean to pry for revelations! I'm sure I'll be intrigued as things play out.

-- Paul

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