Has anyone run the World of Xoth setting with BoL?
It would be nice if they came out with a BoL version of their products.
World of Xoth has also shown up recently as the default setting for the Blade of the Iron Throne RPG.
Mongoose just had a sale for their new ebook store on their site, and I got all 3 Xoth releases. I had Spider God's Bride in it's original release in print, but wanted to get the new stuff too. Definitely great BoL material (or any S&S game for that matter).
Blade of the Iron Throne... is that the game based on Riddle of Steel? It sounds vaguely familiar
I recently got both the original and the Mongoose Spider God's Bride. The artwork in the original is vastly superior (imo), the maps are generally better in the Mongoose one. I also think the original is better for converting to BoL as the D20 racial descriptions give more information that can be tweaked to Boons and Flaws.
The rules for Blade of the Iron Throne are derived from Riddle of Steel. Blade is available as a pdf download from RPGNow or DriveThru RPG. I don't believe there is a print version yet.