The Champions of Lemuria meet here.

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1/25/2024 11:59 am  #11

Re: How to get these forums active again

I think Steve's point is valid; my only caveat to any possible cleanup is to not lose old threads - there is some great stuff on these forums (the discussion during the design of Barbarians of the Void is one example that springs to mind) and I'd hate to see that get lost for the sake of cleanup.

Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.

2/05/2024 4:49 pm  #12

Re: How to get these forums active again

So, I checked in at The Piazza about the possibility of getting a sub-forum under The Crunchy Bits. It seems that getting a sub-forum is dependent on how much conversation is already happening in the main forum relating to the game in question. So, at this juncture, no dice I'm afraid, as there isn't a lot of chatter about BoL on that forum 

Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.

2/06/2024 3:10 am  #13

Re: How to get these forums active again

The GIT! wrote:

So, I checked in at The Piazza about the possibility of getting a sub-forum under The Crunchy Bits. It seems that getting a sub-forum is dependent on how much conversation is already happening in the main forum relating to the game in question. So, at this juncture, no dice I'm afraid, as there isn't a lot of chatter about BoL on that forum 

Beyond Belief Games has a sub-forum under Simulacrum Games in the OD&D Discussion Forums:

Home | Original D&D Discussion (

However, since BoL is now under licence to Ludospherik, maybe they'd like to create a forum or at least have a presence here (although, I do get the point that this forum is far too big and it needs to be re-organized).

I'll mention it to them next time we speak.

     Thread Starter

2/06/2024 10:00 am  #14

Re: How to get these forums active again

SimonW wrote:

Beyond Belief Games has a sub-forum under Simulacrum Games in the OD&D Discussion Forums:

Home | Original D&D Discussion (

Yep, I'm a member at that forum as well. I think The Piazza looked inviting because of the level of activity and the way it is organised, but the Original D&D Discussion forum is useful as well - we just need more activity at these forums to encourage people back here as well.

Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.

2/06/2024 4:39 pm  #15

Re: How to get these forums active again

Maybe I'm the odd man out but I prefer my discussion groups (whether traditional bbs style forums, facebook groups, or discords) to be more focused rather than general.   While BoL seems like a game that alot of people respond fondly to when asked about it and volunteer it as a great example of the genre in general, it doesn't seem like that respect has turned into much discussion or games played sadly.  As someone who just recently discovered the game and its spin offs, I've been looking for somewhere to discuss it and this place is about the most active despite the relative inactivity.

Last edited by Pit Fighter (2/06/2024 4:39 pm)


2/06/2024 8:56 pm  #16

Re: How to get these forums active again

Well, this place like a lot of other forums, seemed to suffer at the hands of other more preferred options such as MeWe, Facebook etc. It does seem that a lot of people are starting to once again see the benefits of dedicated forums like this. Hopefully, in time, and with the good news about Ludospherik, Champions of Lemuria will again become an active place to chat about BoL.

Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.

2/07/2024 5:12 am  #17

Re: How to get these forums active again

For what it's worth, this thread is literally the first time I've ever heard of MeWe and I had to look it up.   I initially thought it was some sort of Chinese mobile app like WeChat.  Admittedly though, I'm old and have been on the internet since Netscape was in beta and fit on a 3.5" disk so I may be a bit out of touch, lol...


2/07/2024 7:26 am  #18

Re: How to get these forums active again

Pit Fighter wrote:

Admittedly though, I'm old and have been on the internet since Netscape was in beta and fit on a 3.5" disk so I may be a bit out of touch, lol...

I hear you. I was trying to explain to someone the other day about AOL and they looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language. Somewhere at home I still have DOS on a bunch of floppy discs, along with a drive that can run them. I have an old laptop that runs Win98 and has a parallel port and I still have my iOmega zip drive.

I've always maintained that the best form of encryption is to use old tech. I plan to run an espionage game at some point with something like a NOC list (as per Mission Impossible) stored on floppy disk. I'll hand it to the players and challenge them to decrypt it 

Last edited by The GIT! (2/07/2024 7:26 am)

Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.

2/07/2024 7:35 am  #19

Re: How to get these forums active again

In running this forum we are totally in sync with the MeWe groups as I am a member of both and communicate with Garnett Elliott and have sent messages to Simon Washbourne  in the past. One way I believe to get these forums going is to run games out there in the wild, I run a BoL/Everywhen game in public and will be running a game at a convention in April nearby. And really, if I am in north Idaho and I can do cannot be that difficult. I ALWAYS have businesses offering sometimes begging me to run games in their establishments and I never am short of players. We can make these games explode in popularity. 

I am the one who writes ​ for the OSR, yet BoL and Everywhen are pretty cool too.

2/14/2024 9:52 am  #20

Re: How to get these forums active again

Well, hopefully the new-ish edition with the European art style will light a fire under some more players!  It's definitely got me interested.   I've been converting some minis (mostly ASOIAF CMON figs) for use in a sword and sorcery setting and hope to get some more singles in the future.

Last edited by Pit Fighter (2/14/2024 9:53 am)


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