So, the map of Lemuria details the Khanate in the north, to the east of Valgard, including several settlements, but there's absolutely no mention of the Khanate or its locations in the book. Is this an area that is going to be detailed in a supplement, or is it going to remain untouched so that individual groups can define it themselves (assuming fantasy mongols of some stripe, albeit without horses)?
Personally I'd prefer it to remain untouched, leaving GMs to devise their own version of the Khanate.
I know most of us have less time than we used to for rpgs, but for me part of the fun has always been developing the setting of whatever game I run. I sometimes wonder if we are losing that aspect of the hobby, due to what could be called the supplement treadmill. I like it when games give me a good solid outline of a setting, but leave plenty of spaces for me to develop myself. (But sometimes it's also great to have something you can buy and run with minimal prep.)
Last edited by Gruntfuttock (7/12/2015 10:41 pm)
I'd quite like to develop it myself too, but was curious if there is official coverage of it planned or not.