Hi guys,
I just wanted to give you all a heads up that there`s a Kickstarter on at the moment for a Conan boargame by Monolith games that features some fairly impressive minis that could very easily be used for Barbarians of Lemuria.
Given the fact that BoL fans are also generally Hyboria fans as well, I figured maybe some people on the board might like to know. The KS has already wildly exceeded the initial goal and there`s a bunch of stretch goals that have been met, and there`s still over 20 days to go.
Check it out if you`re interested.
Yeah - I'm already committed on that kickstarter right up to the neck
Right there with ya bud
I've been following this everday since it launched. Currently I'm in for the Deluxe Edition and for all but one add on that has poped up. As soon as next payday gets here I'll be grabbing the Khitai expansion.
Yeah - the Khitai expansion does seem to be unnecessary and a bit of a money grab - I'll be holding off on that until it comes out in the FLGS. I am getting concerned just how far they are going to keep pushing the add-ons considering the success of the kickstarter and how many days are left.
Yeah, I'm holding off on the Khitai expansion too. It's a cool scenario, but the price is a tad steep for what you get. I may still get it, but I'm more likely to plunk down for the Stygia and Nordheim expansions when they get unlocked.
Sygia and Nordheim expansions? I hadn't heard about them. It really seems like this is going to get way out of control. I just hope the expansions don't have anything that is kickstarter exclusive - that way I can also try and support my FLGS by purchasing them there (and try and manage my funds a little bit).
Yeah, so I caved and pledged for the Khitai expansion after all.
I'm just gonna bite the bullet and get one copy of every add on that comes out for this darn thing.
I've budgeted a few hundred bucks for this KS because I know I have no self control when it comes to the Hyborian Age
If you want a sense of what might be coming out for additional expansions, you can go to this Youtube vid:
And go to 1:01:00. Jamie from Monolith showcases some concept art for models and boards that are coming up.
On a related note, I have an awsome group of players.
When she sensed that I was really uninspired to run the Buffy/Angel game the group had discussed, one of my players suggested I run a Conan game using BoL instead, which got my GMing juices positively rushing again, I wrote 14 pages of game notes the next day at work
So, one Zamoran assassin, a Cimmerian gladiator, an Aquilonian mercenary and a Hyrkanian hunter later, and I'm ready to get my Hyborian Age on!
I hear you on the Conan kickstarter. That said, if the expansions don't have kickstarter exclusive content I'll wait on them and order through my FLGS - it will allow me to budget over a period of time and avoid excessive shipping fees.
With regards to running games I am GM for two groups. I'm presently finishing an Agents of Oblivion campaign for one and an All For One campaign for the other (although that has a while before it will complete). I'm presently working on a number of future projects...a pirates setting using Honor + Intrigue (which may follow on from my AFO campaign); a possible Clockwork & Chivalry conversion also using H+I; a Hyborian Age game using BoL (with elements of H+I); Planet of the Apes (or other apocalyptic setting) using Barbarians of the Aftermath (this may actually be tied in with the end of my AoO campaign which has the potential for a world shattering pandemic as part of the denouement); James Bond using the James Bond RPG updated with Classified RPG (the James Bond RPG is still one of my all-time favourites); Dicey Tales adventures (this may happen very soon as I do want to play some pulp style gaming set in the 20's, 30's or 40's and I may also tie it in with some Hollow Earth material). you can see, I suffer severely from DADD (DMS's Attention Deficit Disorder) but, luckily, my game groups are patient and seem to enjoy almost any setting and game system that I throw at them.
Last edited by The GIT! (1/23/2015 8:48 am)
Now there is a new Conan RPG coming. Might be a good BoL sourcebook.