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12/19/2014 8:18 am  #1

Mundane Animals for Mythic

While Mythic has a couple of real world animals (wolf is the one I remember), and while it's easy to stat up new critters - I'm in a rush and/or lazy.

I'm possibly running a second game over the holidays, and I thought I might run something in the world of Kull. So has anyone already statted up the usual suspects: horse, tiger, elephant, cat, etc. Or are people just looking at the Lemurian analogues and changing the name and descriptions? I can probably find time to create my own, but if someone has already done it, I'm happy to steal.

Another though occcurs. As so many people have used BoL in the past to run Conan, might a short pdf detailing a few of the most useful real world creatures be a good thing for Simon to sell cheaply or even  make available for free, to promote sales of Mythic? I assume these will turn up in BoL Everwhen/Everwhere, so the stats might have already been worked out. I love Lemuria, but some folks just want to go to see Conan's world.

My real name is Steve Hall

12/19/2014 11:25 am  #2

Re: Mundane Animals for Mythic

I think your best bet is to purchase the PDFs of Dicey Tales #2 and/or Legends of Steel - Barbarians of Lemuria Edition. Both are available at RPGNow and they each have a bestiary of standard earth-type critters. You may have to tweak some of the stats to fit in with BoL Mythic but I imagine that will be very straightforward.

Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.

12/20/2014 4:57 am  #3

Re: Mundane Animals for Mythic

Yeah, I've got Dicey Tales 2. I just wondered if anyone had done any stats worked up from Mythic, rather than tweaking the Legendary stats.

My real name is Steve Hall
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