You'll probably need to open the image above on another tab, so please do it. Let's talk about numbers.
On the left you see the standard action rolls in BoL. As you know, action rolls uses 2d6. However, if you have a Boon or a Flaw, you'll roll 3d6, dropping the lowest or the highest die as needed.
Since you are rolling 3d6 on those cases, why not proposing rolling 3d6 always? To do that, when attempting a standard action without Boons or Flaws, roll 3d6 and take the highest and lowest dice. Still 2-12 range, but a lot more centered on the 7.
On the right you have a few damage rolls. The first three are the standard Mythic rolls. However, if you are rolling 3d6 for actions, why not doing that for damage too? The resulting damage will be biased toward the expected result, and this may be a good thing.
Anyway, this is just food for thought. It's a math exercise, with not playtest. Feel free to jump in and discuss.
Rolling 3d6 all the time is a good idea. Although there may be more excitement/dread at adding bonus or penalty die when it comes time to roll. This would be great to get some testing from player groups to see what they like.
When looking at the charts above the tables linked below might be helpful.
Last edited by jasales (11/07/2014 6:24 am)
This is a really interesting idea. My first thought is that it will also really help with including the damage roll in the attack roll. With a small weapon and a boon on attack you could use the two highest numbers for the attack roll and the lowest for the actual damage roll. I'm going to look into this more because I think you could also manage to include the initiative roll for the next round as well.
The GIT! wrote:
This is a really interesting idea. My first thought is that it will also really help with including the damage roll in the attack roll. With a small weapon and a boon on attack you could use the two highest numbers for the attack roll and the lowest for the actual damage roll. I'm going to look into this more because I think you could also manage to include the initiative roll for the next round as well.
I'd recommend against that for one reason: players love rolling dice.
I understand the idea of "one roll for everything", but on practice, the bones must hit the table often.
I understand the desire of players to roll dice but I also find that making tactical decisions witht the dice rolled can get players more excited than just continually rolling dice; it gives them a sense of empowerment and allows them to make choices rather than constantly being at the mercy of the dice. By combining damage and initiative in the attack roll you can have players make difficult decisions - do I try to inflict more damage now or do I want to have a higher initiative next round? Should I choose a heavier weapon that tends to do more damage but is slower to wield? I'll put some thoughts together and explain what I mean later in the week.
Last edited by The GIT! (11/11/2014 7:13 am)
I added a graph to compare modifiers and bonus/penalty dice here.
Last edited by Venomous Filigree (11/28/2014 5:40 am)