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Cryptic writings of Lemuria » the Misadventures of the Lemurian Misfits Campaign » 11/12/2024 12:42 pm

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Apologies for the radio silence. Things are a bit intense at the moment. Maybe I'll get a post in today, but don't be surprised if I can't respond.

Lemurian links » Barbarians of Legend - a BoL variant » 11/12/2024 12:41 pm

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I love that setting as well. Good, good vibes.

Cryptic writings of Lemuria » the Misadventures of the Lemurian Misfits Campaign » 11/08/2024 10:38 pm

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Gundarr_the_Great wrote:

Nope, I think you are right, you certainly have been playing longer than me!  Let me further understand with a mighty success, that it’s either a natural 12 roll or when you use hero points to modify it, not if you roll a 12 with modifiers?

Correct. It’s boxcars or a success and a hero point. With many heroes, there’s generally enough points to see mighty successes on a fairly frequent basis. With only one or two, quite a bit less often. Those points are *just enough* to make you wince when you need to use them in my experience.

Cryptic writings of Lemuria » the Misadventures of the Lemurian Misfits Campaign » 11/08/2024 9:33 pm

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Gundarr_the_Great wrote:

But what happens, if you use one rabble against the other, for instance, One-Eyed Norf throws one into the rest of them?

To me that’s just narrative icing. If I get rabble slayer, I might describe it that way.

Cryptic writings of Lemuria » the Misadventures of the Lemurian Misfits Campaign » 11/08/2024 9:32 pm

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Yes, but there is nothing in the rules about rabble combining their lifeblood into one entity for the sake of defending against hero attacks, only forming hordes for the purposes of attack. There is no spillover damage effect without rabble slayer or combining of lifeblood ability for bad guys. If so, this would be called out specifically (or I’ve been playing it wrong for 16 years — which is possible, Lol).

Cryptic writings of Lemuria » the Misadventures of the Lemurian Misfits Campaign » 11/08/2024 9:23 pm

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Rabble are nasty in large groups. They only combine for determining their hit against heroes. That's why Mighty Success is so necessary to mow through big hordes.

Cryptic writings of Lemuria » the Misadventures of the Lemurian Misfits Campaign » 11/08/2024 9:22 pm

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From what I understand, exceeding the enemy's Lifeblood total does not spill into the next foe. Rabble are separate enemies even though they can combine into mobs for the sake of simplifying attack and damage. But whether I do 3 damage or 300 damage, I can kill 1 rabble enemy unless I get a Mighty Success. Otherwise the rabble slayer benefit really isn't tremendously better than just doing a lot of damage...unless I completely missed something.

Cryptic writings of Lemuria » the Misadventures of the Lemurian Misfits Campaign » 11/08/2024 8:34 pm

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I think I must be missing something. Seems like you are doing overflow damage to them with a single attack. Am I wrong? Unless it's a Mighty Success invoking the rabble slayer option, one attack should be good for a single rabble even if the damage exceeds their lifeblood. Maybe I've forgotten a rule?

Cryptic writings of Lemuria » the Misadventures of the Lemurian Misfits Campaign » 11/08/2024 12:02 pm

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I am having fun as well! Let's see what happens next. Let me finish Valda's three remaining baddies. She is first against rabble, even with a failed priority roll...

Valda. 11 Lifeblood. 4 Hero Points.

Valda Attacks. 11 + 2 (agility) + 2 (melee) = success!
Damage. 3 + 1 (strength) = 4. One down
Rabble Attack. 5 + 2 - 2 (defense) = miss!

One by one, she begins to vanquish them until there are only two. By this time, One-Eyed-Norf is free of his opponents and faces the decision to immediately go after Kemila and Erkill. For the time being, Valda seems to be handling her own very well and it is only a matter of time before she finishes off the remaining pair of bloodless.

Round 3... OEN (my new acronym to save my fingers) has priority, but maybe he has other plans?

Cryptic writings of Lemuria » the Misadventures of the Lemurian Misfits Campaign » 11/07/2024 6:34 pm

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Sorry about that! Will finish up tonight. Your plan sounds good.

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