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Lemurian links » Lemurian Chronicles (new background and adventures for BoL ) » 8/10/2019 7:21 am

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Got it on my shelf Looks nice and content is IMO better than in Filigree...

General discussion » BoL T-Shirt & Merchandise » 8/23/2016 11:02 am

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...and for me.
I'd like to own such a shirt.

General discussion » What's on your BoL horizon? » 8/19/2016 9:09 pm

Replies: 34

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So First magnitude is safe? That's enough for me. Cantrips and 1st M build majority of used spells. Now TNs are bright,too. Thx The Git.

General discussion » What's on your BoL horizon? » 8/19/2016 1:56 am

Replies: 34

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TN's for different magnitudes are:
Cantrip 0/5
1st M   10/15
2nd M 20/25
3rd M  30/35
What does the slash divide? Why are the two numbers? Could sbd explain it? there's no explanation in a text...
Thx in advance.

General discussion » What's on your BoL horizon? » 8/19/2016 12:54 am

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NOTE: Numbers in brackets are the minimum costs to cast a spell of that magnitude .1 point is permanently lost every time such a spell is cast

It's a note in a BOL Hack regarding to casting spells of higher than cantrips magnitude.
What doeas it mean?????? Sorcerer is losing permanently his Arcane Power casting spells of the first magnitude???? Horrible...

General discussion » BoL Mythic Lemuria Map » 8/17/2016 10:27 pm

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I think they should go along coasts and rivers. Lemuria is IMO such a barbaric place that connections among subjects aren't well prepared.

General discussion » Dark Sun » 6/06/2016 4:53 am

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Gnombient? Could you...?

General discussion » BoL Mythic Kickstarter Update #50 » 3/21/2016 10:50 pm

Replies: 12

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Thx, I didn't know about such a customizable screen. It solves the problem.

General discussion » BoL Mythic Kickstarter Update #50 » 3/21/2016 1:29 am

Replies: 12

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The GM screen is already available in PDF format.

I know that, but I'd like to own it in a physical copy, to hide adventure from my players ;) We're only human - peeking isn't always a fraud

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