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Animals and monsters! » Kalukan Miniatures » 10/30/2024 1:53 am |
Daton wrote:
Holy crap those are great!
I've been wondering ways to make some Kalukans for myself since I have a custom mini of Methyn Sarr (still working on finishing painting it) and she needs her best minions around..
This is way more than what I have the skills to pull off, though.
I would encourage you to just get some Miliput/GS and give it a whirl. I promise it's MUCH easier than it looks... this stuff didn't start looking like anything until the primer went on, it was literally a 1-hour job and I've only been sculpting stuff for a little over a year. Mushing a ball into place and teasing some "skin" around it is one of the easier things you can attempt, imo. Totally worth the shot if you can source some good starting minis and not have a lot of pre-sculpting prep to do.
Couple of early shots of the guys to showcase the progress.
Not pictured: my puckered butt, hoping the primer and paintjob would eventually make these look the part.
Animals and monsters! » Kalukan Miniatures » 10/29/2024 2:44 am |
SimonW wrote:
Those are freakishly awesome!
That is incredibly high praise coming from you, sir!
Many thanks!
Animals and monsters! » Kalukan Miniatures » 10/29/2024 12:28 am |
I'll be honest, if not for coming across these one-eyed buggers, I probably wouldn't have been prepping a campaign for BoL right now... The idea overtook me so bad that I just HAD to make some minis to fit the bill.
To this end, I had some whfb orcs printed, sans heads, then got the GS out, and went to town on them. Seeing as they're the "prototypes" for this type of stuff, they're not perfect. Eyes are a tad too inhuman (though bring the horror aspect out better this way, imo), and they're a bit ill-placed compared to the official artwork (especially the archer). Now that I have the process down, I'll be getting my dremel involved and spending more time on prepping the prints and hopefully getting some better looking exemplars out in the future. Painting is not 100% done on them, either, and basing is obviously TBD, but they're ready for the world to set their eye upon them, I think.
Keen to know your guys' opinion on this, since I'm a definite noob to the system and setting, though I have read the first three Thongor books and am currently talking about them on a book club podcast alongside a couple friends. Thank heavens the system is better written than the books it's based on, lol...
P.S. while I appreciate there being a platform for this topic, I genuinely dislike forums, one of the reasons being that (as far as I can tell from the interface options) I have to host the images I'd like to share someplace else entirely before being able to link them here... So I'm just sharing them off my drive, with viewer links, instead.
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