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Animals and monsters! » Yorth in miniature form! » 2/20/2025 11:13 am

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Last year after switching from D&D to BoL, one of the first things I did was hit the dollar store and haul up on dino toys to use as the fauna of Lemuria. A big t-rex for a chark, some smaller triceratops, styracosaurus and allosaurus for a banth, a triotaur and a bronyx, and a plastic egg full of smaller dinos and crude terrain pieces, all for just under 20$ Canadian.
Some work fine as is (I could probably do with adding some paint to the chark's belly and claws but otherwise he's fine) but the smallest dinos just had crude paintjobs and low balance. But I knew the littlest horned theropod (not sure if he's meant to represent a specific species) had to become a Yorth. While in appearance he's closer to the b&w depiction in the French rules, I used the art from the Mythic Edition as the basis for his colors.

A full shot of all my dino acquisitions, with a heroic barbarian for scale.

Bizarre sketches and scribbles » Methyn Sarr the Witch-Queen in miniature form! » 11/08/2024 1:43 pm

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Took me a few months but I finally got her all painted up.

Animals and monsters! » Kalukan Miniatures » 10/29/2024 7:06 am

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Holy crap those are great!
I've been wondering ways to make some Kalukans for myself since I have a custom mini of Methyn Sarr (still working on finishing painting it) and she needs her best minions around..
This is way more than what I have the skills to pull off, though.

Bizarre sketches and scribbles » Methyn Sarr the Witch-Queen in miniature form! » 7/15/2024 9:24 am

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Oh, yeah, I was a big minis guy for D&D but BoL runs way smoother with TOTM...
But I'm still a very tactile guy so I like having minis on hand regardless. The week after running my first BoL session I hit the dollar store and bought 20$ worth of toy dinosaurs to have the visual representations for a chark, a bronyx, a banth, a triotaur, a yorth and a few other fun bits.

Bizarre sketches and scribbles » Methyn Sarr the Witch-Queen in miniature form! » 7/14/2024 12:06 am

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Designed in Eldritch-Foundry and 3D-printed.
I wanted to post pictures sooner but I only got around to priming her, and the material used to print didn't show details well on photos.


Animals and monsters! » What does the Deodarg look like to you? » 7/05/2024 10:32 pm

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I've had this thought bugging me for a while, but what do most of you interpret the Deodarg as looking like?
The current edition of Barbarians of Lemuria describes it as a "dragon-cat", but the art makes it look like a gigantic, slow scutosaurus-like reptile, hardly cat-like.
The French edition, by Ludosferik, meanwhile, makes it look very fantastical, almost like a Pixiu from Chinese mythology. It's neat but it kinda clashes heavily against the lower-fantasy aesthetics of the game otherwise. Looks more like something you'd find in D&D.

Have any of you come up with a better visual depiction of the Deodarg?
I've personally found myself leaning towards the appearance of the "Megasaurus" from TSR's Star Frontiers roleplaying game. Especially the look they gave the miniature, it just screams "dragon-cat" without looking like the Rankin-Bass Smaug or something.


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